Twenty-Six - The Secret of Hermione Granger-Malfoy (Flashback Three)

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Trigger warning. Please mind the tags. Proceed with caution.

If you have ever experienced the situation that Hermione goes through, my heart reaches out to you and I pray you have found comfort and healing.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Fiat justitia ruat caelum.

Let justice be done should the heavens fall.

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.


Fenrir's curse hit Draco first and she watched in horror as it collided with his body, slicing through him like he was nothing. His body jolted back violently like he was shot.

"Draco!" She screamed as his body jerked before blood spewed from his deeply sliced neck. His face was nearly unrecognizable as a cut was ripped through his nose and up his face towards his temple, barely missing his eye.

"Run." He let out a strangled gasp, his shaking hand reaching up for his throat to desperately stop the bleeding, as he hit his knees.

A cry of agony escaped her as she watched his shirt become soaked with blood before something hit her as well, the feeling indescribable, and the cry became strangled in her throat.

Her body shook and jerked as she took her eyes off her dying husband to look down at herself. Her trembling hands reached up to touch her shirt that was equally now soaked in blood, a metallic taste invading her mouth. The final cut ended at her collarbone, not as life ending as Draco's was.

Or maybe it was.

Her shaking hands lowered to her stomach that was ripped open, a sharp, agonizing sensation gathering there - inside her womb - and inside her heart.  Her breath stuttered. Her world spun.

She couldn't lose them.

Not the both of them.

Not either one.

Another mangled groan of agony escaped Draco and she looked up to see him watching her, complete and total fear in his eyes at the sight of her bleeding as well. Tears of anger and desperation rolled down his cheeks unrelenting.

He coughed, his body jerking again, and blood spewed out of his mouth and covered the grass in front of him. Hermione's eyes darted towards the tree line where Greyback was running towards Draco's body and she was digging in her pouch before she could register it.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she panicked, not allowing herself to succumb to the effects of the unknown, crippling spell, the grief of losing their child, the mourning of her husband, and she was at his body in seconds.

His bloody hands gripped her tightly as his chest heaved, panicked noises and desperate sobs escaping him as he realized he couldn't save her this time.

She grabbed his face and he jerked away from her, knowing was she was doing. She knew how badly Voldemort's army would rip his mind apart for any information. They wanted him dreadfully.

Almost as badly as he wanted to remember her until his dying breath.

He violently shook his head to get out of her grasp as she uncorked the potion. 

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