C h a p t e r T w e n t y - T w o

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˜"*°• Raiden POV •°*"˜

"Get fucked." I growled out, pulling the trigger on my gun. The bullet aimed straight at a man's head as it soared through the space between me and this asshole.

I could hear the moment it hit his skull, the cracking of his stupid fucking head. A moment later he slumped over in the chair he was tied up in.

Two guards either side of him facing straight, hands behind their back as they didn't move a single inch.

"Get this out of here," I ordered the two guards that were standing by him. I turned around to the other two that were standing behind me, "you guys, clean this mess up." I ordered them as well.

I disarmed my gun and put it behind my back in my waistband, fluffing my coat up after.

I entered my warehouse office, slamming the door behind me. Exhaling before I made my way to my desk.

That asshole threatened to hurt my mother all because my father "borrowed" a hundred dollars from him. My father never paid him back so the guy left a voicemail on my phone, thinking the number my father gave him was his, that he was going to rape my mother.

The moment I heard that sentence stab into my ear from my phone, I ordered for him to be tracked down and brought here. If he didn't run his mouth like an idiot, I would've just paid him back, but instead I had to put a bullet into is head.

This large mainly empty warehouse has been my "dirty work lounge." At least it has been for the last thirteen years.

Yesterday I brought School Girl to my favorite thinking spot, unfortunately being around her, caused me to have other intentions. But, I would never do something with her if she didn't want to, which is exactly why I'm slow and patient with her. I let her know and feel that she's safe, but she's very easy to read and I know exactly what she wants.

She is at the office today with Elijah, as it is Thursday.

I opened my bottle of whiskey and grabbed a glass, pouring the aged alcohol into the black glass. I swirled it around a bit before taking a nice slow sip, indulging in the taste of my favorite beverage.

"Come in." I called out, setting the glass on my desk.

"Mr Di Marco, sir," a guard started as he made his way into my office. He stood before me with his arms brought behind his back. "We have company." He stated as he left my office with no other words.

"Can I just get a fucking break?" I groaned out standing up from my desk and reaching behind me for my gun. I cocked it back so a bullet is ready in the chamber, if I need to shoot someone's heart out.

I left my office and followed the guard through the open warehouse. I could see a figure standing where the overhead coiling doors were. The harsh sunlight coming from outside made the visitor practically a black mass. As I got closer I could notice the person better.

A dark green suit jacket and matching suit pants, a black collared button up, and two guards behind him a bit stood on either side.

"Raiden." The visitor called out, a pleased tone escaping his throat.

It was Dean, I stopped in front of him, my guards standing around them.

"What do you need Dean, I'm busy."

He tuts as he shakes his head, "I can't come visit my dear old friend?"

I look at his guards behind him, "If you wanted to visit a 'friend' you wouldn't bring guards with you." I stated, my hand out in front of me motioning to them.

A smug grin on his face formed and I glanced at one of my best guards, letting him know to get ready. He let out a noise and all my guards stance shifted slightly as they all understood the signal.

Dean looked around with just his eyes, trying to come off as unphased by not looking around physically. Just like he would when we were kids, he's not so good of a person anymore by the looks of it now.

Taken after his father, now I'm glad I interrupted his and School Girls date twice. I hade to keep an eye on him from now on.

"You caught me." He mocked putting his hands up in the air.

He gave out a signal to his two guards, a foreign word, and they pulled out their guns while other guards flooded in through the open coiled door guns drawn as well. My guards did the same but we were outnumbered.

I glared at Dean, my gun still in my waistband as he also didn't have a gun in his hands.

"What do you want Dean."


I reached behind me and pulled my gun out, pointing it right between his eyes.

A satisfied look on his face appeared, "Oh," realization then overtook his face. "You have a crush on her don't you Raiden?" He was trying to intimidate me, make it seem like he figured out my weakness, but I wasn't scared to this guy.

He was the body definition of a stick bug, I could easily step on him and smear him into the ground. With his skinny ass.

"No." I hissed out.

He chuckled, "Right."

He looked around him once more before bring his eyes back to me, "Listen Raiden," he began to walk towards me.

"Take one more step and I shooting a bullet into your head!" I snarled out, my blood beginning to heat up.

"Yeah well, just remember, if you crash another one of our dates." He paused for a moment before amusement flashed in his eyes, "It'll be her funeral."

He turned around and shouted something in a foreign language again, all his men lowering their weapons and following him out of the warehouse.

I stood there, breathing heavily with anger, as I brought my gun down to my side.

Back to needing to train her for her safety.

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