C h a p t e r T w e n t y - F i v e

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˜"*°• Claire POV •°*"˜

After begging to not ride home with Raiden when we were done at the attorney office, Elijah and I headed home in the SUV Julian drove us in. Raiden stayed behind, and I'm pretty sure, to have sex with the receptionist that was basically eye fucking him the whole time Elijah was setting up his next meeting with his attorney.

It angered me, especially when I would turn to look at Raiden he was giving her a satisfied look. He wouldn't even bother to meet my gaze.

I was definitely jealous and I think he could tell.

We arrived home and Julian came around to the back, opening my door. I stepped out with my bag in my hand and my overcoat draped over my forearm as I walked to the door.

"Claire-Bear!" Lori greeted me with a huge smile. I jumped since she jumped out from around the corner of the walkway. My hand, the arm my coat was hanging over, held over my heart.

"I could've had a heart attack Lori!" I complained, walking further inside.

"Father just announced the next party!" She jumped in joy holding my arm my coat was on.

I was confused. The last ball or we'll party I guess was just a few weeks ago now, I thought they did them once every month.

"Didn't we just have the monthly party?"

She stopped bouncing and followed by my side as I headed to the kitchen. "Yeah but father said the last one was such a hit, he decided to just have them whenever he wanted to now." She explained sitting in the empty bar stool beside me.

I heard footsteps behind us and I turned around, Lori stuffed her face with a slice of cheesecake one of the cooks made. Elijah came in chatting with Julian, he came to the kitchen as well.

"Did you know about that?" I asked him, his eyes met mine. "Know about what?" He wondered grabbing the glass of water Doris slid across the counter. He took the empty bar stool on the opposite side of me.

"Father announced the next party!" Lori shouted happily. Elijah rolled his eyes, "Great." He blandly stated, taking a sip of his water. "Exactly what I need, more parties." Elijah rested his elbow on the counter and ran his hand through his already disheveled hair.

"What are you complaining about son?" Rick's voice echoed from the staircase as his footsteps. I let out a deep sigh as I really couldn't stand this man.

"Why did you change the party schedule, I'm going through a ton of stuff right now." Elijah asked, not a complaining or whining tone, an angry tone. This was the first time I've ever seen or heard him get angry at his father, especially when Elijah was blatantly the favorite.

Someone who was completely blind in both eyes could tell.

"You could always just not go."

Elijah scowled down at his half full glass of water, "Or maybe we could discuss these things as a family. But no, you think everything is about you so you fuck up everything for everyone around you and have them pick it up." He darted up from the stool and furiously walked towards the stairs.

Rick mumbled something under his breath and went down the hallway that's off of the kitchen to his office.

Right as he got to the entryway, Raiden walked in and watched Elijah. Raiden cautiously closed the door with his brows together.

"What's his problem?" Raiden questioned as a door slamming closed upstairs was heard.

"Father announced another party, Elijah got made because we didn't discuss it as a family." Lori explained, with a mouth full of cheesecake.

Raiden looked more confused, "Didn't we just have our monthly party?" I shrugged, "Exactly what I said."

I stood up from the bar stool, grabbing my coat and bag, and heading upstairs to my room.

I don't know much about divorces, when I walked into Elijah's lawyers office, he was visibly angry. He was breathing heavy, his face becoming a shade of red. His lawyer said something about his ex-wife wanted half of his paycheck to pay for the apartment they shared but she is now living in.

From what I heard it's nothing fancy, and the rent is only $2300 a month. She can easily pay that on her own but as Elijah said, "giving him a run for his money even though she cheated on me."

Once a skank, always a skank I guess.

I opened my laptop and looked at Elijah's emails, I have access to them and respond as needed. I've been slacking recently, no that's a lie. Ever since that man attacked me I haven't put my hundred percent attention into work.

There was an email from Rick with the topic being "Royal Affair," good to know we didn't get to discuss the theme either.

I clicked on it, it was cc-ed to over five hundred people, oh great! Also good to know we didn't discuss a list of who to invite. Maybe Lori and I could design the invites again?

I scrolled down and there was an attachment, "What the fuck?" I mumbled out loud.

This invite looks like it was made in Microsoft word! This is terrible!

How is it supposed to speak, "Royal affair" looking like an elementary student made it?

I shut my laptop and threw myself on my bed. My arms sprawled out and my legs still crossed.

Sometimes I just hate men.

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