C h a p t e r T h i r t y - N i n e

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˜"*°• Claire POV •°*"˜

I woke up on the floor, every inch of my body hurt. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in the room I was inside of. The room was cold, quiet, and very empty. Along with very dirty and dusty. In the far left corner, on the opposite wall from the door was one single metal chair. I tried to push myself up but my arms were so weak I plopped back down on the floor and let out a yelp holding my right side.

I heard voices on the other side of the metal door that had bars replacing the glass of a window. It was like a prison cell minus a toilet, bed, and sink. A few moments later, I heard multiple footsteps, they were getting louder and then the jingle of keys along with the lock clicking. I moved as much as I could in the direction of the door without causing myself too much pain.

The door squeaked open and there was two large men, they separated from one another and Dean stepped inside the room with a sinister smirk on his face. His eyes were dark and his short blonde hair was still styled nicely.

He looked me over before walking directly next to me and crouched down. I looked at him and my heart sank. This man was a completely different person than the one I first met all those weeks ago at the party. I bit the inside of my cheek, "Sit up." He ordered me. I didn't listen and stayed on the ground, not moving an inch. He let out a sigh and looked up, "God I hate women." He looked back down at me and angrily grabbed my hair. "Get the fuck up!" He scolded.

The two guards came inside and lifted me up, holding under and around my shoulders. I slumped over for a moment till I regained my balance. Everything hurt twice as much as it did before now that gravity was weighing on me. My breathing was heavy but even. I tried not to show fear, but I'd lie if I said I wasn't absolutely terrified.

Dean continued to look me over and his bottom lip jutted out before he stepped closer to me. He tsk'd and lifted his hand up to my right eyebrow, "They ruined your pretty little face Claire." I winced at his touch for two reasons, one, I didn't want him touching me, and two, it fucking hurt!

He grabbed a hold of my jaw and forced me to look at him, he let out a growl and leaned to my ear. "Finally I have you to myself. Oh how I've been dreaming of this day." He backed away but still having a harsh hold on my jaw. I felt my heart begin to beat out of my chest but I tried to remain composed on the outside.

"The Di Marco's will never find you." He let out a sinister laugh and I jumped at the abrupt roar. He stopped and got close to my face, I could feel his breath on me as he whispered. "The things I want to do to you my flower."

I scrunched my nose in disgust and spit at him again. As before he stepped back and wiped his face. This time his expression was angrier. I instantly regretted my decision for before being able to have another thought he landed a hard punch to the right side on my face. I let out a loud cry and lost balance before the two guards, who were still holding me, pulled me back up.

"You will not lay another hand on me asshole." I muttered out in between breaths. I tasted iron in my mouth, I spit my blood on the floor. This is the nastiest thing I've ever done but I can't stand the taste.

I looked at him again, his expression was full of excitement. "Yeah? And how do you plan on stopping me when I have a gun to your head and you're tied up?"

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek, "You are a sick bastard." Dean laughs, amused. "Yeah the last one said the same exact thing until she was moaning in my ear."

He made his way to the door and left the room. The two guards let go of me and I fell to my knees. I let out another cry and leaned forward into a ball and couldn't hold back loud hard cries. The door was shut and the lock clicked once again. Multiple footsteps became softer and softer, I was now left in the silence of the empty cold room again.

I began to mumble to myself, "Please, please for the love of god find me before he lays a hand on me. Please." In between sobs I practically begged. I sat up straight and noticed the sun was going down when I looked out the tiny little window of the room. The only light I was now getting was from the singular dim light on the ceiling.

I wiped my tears from my cheeks and tried to think of how to survive with this predicament I have gotten myself into and what I could do.

I couldn't fight them because one, I could barely fight Lori who was like seven years younger than me let alone many large men with guns and two I didn't have enough training to protect myself anyway. I was shit out of luck and left to what I know.

I am convinced I'm going to die in here. I just have to come to terms with it unfortunately. I began to cry again but I laid on my side this time, I pulled my knees up to my chest and shut my eyes as I continued crying until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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