𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐕

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Erin hated hospitals.

She hated the sounds, the smells, and the people. The only other time she had ever been inside of one, was the night her parents had died.

And she was violently reminded of that fact as she paced around the waiting room of the ER where Krupke had instructed her to wait.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the policeman walked back out from where he had been behind the double doors of the hospital wing. She had immediately marched over to him, trying to peer over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of anything beyond the closing doors.

"Is he-"

"He's gonna be ok." Krupke quickly interrupted, placing his hands on the girl's shoulder.

She let out a huff of relief, steeling her expression as best she could.

"Can I see him?" she asked quickly.

Krupke sighed.

"He's unconscious for now. The nurses say no visitors until he wakes up."

"Erin, Valentina called the precinct." he stated calmly.

Immediately, the girl paled at the mention of her grandmother.

"She's worried about you. Said she hasn't seen you for hours...you need to go back."

Erin pressed her lips together briefly, trying to formulate another protest.

"We'll need to question him when he's awake." he continued. "I'll come back and let you know when that happens. Ok? I promise."

She glared back at the cop for a moment longer. Erin had never been the kind of person to trust, or even listen to a person in uniform. She wasn't blind, nor was she dumb. She had seen the way that they treated the people of her neighborhood. But at that moment, she didn't have another choice.

Shrugging her shoulders out of his grasp, she stepped back from the cop.

"Fine." she spat, spinning on her heels and all but sprinting out of the hospital, rubbing at her eyes with the back of her forearm.

It was only ten minutes later that she was pressing the front door of Docs open with one hand, all but storming inside of the pharmacy. And as the gate slid shut behind her, Erin stopped dead in her tracks.

Staring back at her, scattered around in every single booth, table, and stool, were all of the Jets.

Baby John was sitting the farthest from the door, folded up on a stool at the bar, his knees pulled tightly into his chest. A local girl named Tessa was sitting a seat down from him, her expression painted with concern. Mouthpiece, Balkan, Action, and Little Moly were sitting around one of the tables in the center of the room, while Skink, Big Deal, and Ice were sitting at another closer to the right wall. Over by the pinball machine, Anybodys was standing, well more-so hiding, in the shadows of the corner. And in the booth closest to the front window, Graziella was sitting with one of her friends named Velma.

All of those who had been inside the salt shed earlier were still sporting cuts and bruises all over their faces. And the local girls who were there looked shaken to their core, most likely having been informed of the night's events.

The moment the Jet's had seen Erin walk inside, their expressions lit up with anticipation. Her eyes raked over the room slowly, finally noticing where Tony was sitting behind the main counter, Valentina helping him treat the cuts underneath his eyes. At the sound of the bell above the door, the older woman had glanced over her shoulder, audibly sighing in relief at the sight of her granddaughter.

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