𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐈

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"Jesus Riff, will ya stop pacing? You're makin' me dizzy." Tony complained from where he was sitting on the edge of his bed in the basement of Doc's.

His friend evidently didn't hear him, continuing to walk the length of the basement over and over again. His light blue button-up was tucked away tightly into the waistband of a nice pair of slacks that Tony had helped him buy earlier in the week. The suit jacket that was also a part of the outfit, was laying on the bed next to where Tony was sitting, along with a small bouquet of flowers.

"Seriously, you're gonna scuff up the shoes."

When he didn't respond to his voice that time, he stood up from the bed, stepping out in front of Riff just as he was about to make another pass across the basement. He grabbed his friend by the sides of his arms, forcing him to stop moving.

"Come on, snap outta it, buddy." Tony scolded, finally getting Riff to look back at him. "Whatsa matter?"

Riff shook his head.

"Nothin', nothin'." he said dismissively. "This is all just a lot, ok?"

"What's a lot?" Tony pressed. "This ain't your first dance."

"This is different." Riff replied, his voice suddenly quiet.

A smile slowly grew on Tony's face. He had never seen Riff like this before. The leader of the Jet's had always been so sure of himself. Overtly so. And seeing him willing to be vulnerable enough to, even for a moment, let his emotions take control of him like this, it was something new.

And it was something good.

Tony lightly hit Riff up the side of the head.

"It's gonna be fine." Tony assured him.

Footsteps suddenly came shuffling down the staircase to their left.

"Hey-" Maria's soft voice called down to them. "It's time."

Tony nodded, walking over to grab Riff's jacket off of the bed. He handed it to him, watching with a small smile as he frantically pulled it over his shoulders.

"¿Qué está tomando tanto tiempo? Is he still pacing?" Anita's voice called down from the shop above.

Maria stifled a giggle, and Riff's face burned.

"Tony, I swear to god-"

"We're comin' up." Tony told his girlfriend.

She smiled back at him widely.

"She just got down too, by the way." she added before turning around and practically skipping back up the staircase.

Tony smirked as he watched Riff's expression pale even further. He reached back over to grab the bouquet off of his bed, all but throwing it at Riff's chest.

The boy just barely managed to catch it, shooting a glare back at his friend.

"Let's go get 'em tiger." Tony said jokingly, throwing his arms around Riff's shoulder and all but escorting him up the basement stairs.

Stepping out onto the first floor of the shop, they were met with five faces staring back at them eagerly. Bernardo and Anita were huddled close to the jukebox. The girl was wearing a bright yellow dress, and her boyfriend a casual suit of black. Only a small piece of cloth sticking out of his front pocket matched the bright color Anita was wearing.

Maria shuffled forward, her white dress lightly flowing behind her as she reached out to grab hold of Tony's arm, bringing him back to her side.

Riff was left standing on his own, his hands wrapped tightly around the flowers.

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