Chapter 1

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Most people you read about have something special, whether it be some tragic backstory or some deadly disease or some other crap like that.

You see, the only tragic thing about my story is how depressingly normal my life is.

I have parents who aren't gay, aren't divorced, and don't abuse me, so nothing special there. I mean that's good, but still.

My friends (there's not many of them) are pretty normal.

I'm not breathtakingly beautiful, but I'm also not dreadfully ugly. I don't have some magnificent boyfriend. I'm not an athlete, but I'm not extremely overweight. I'm not popular, but people know of me.

I really am just a regular teenager. I mean the only slightly unusual thing about me is how insanely often I have to go to the orthodontist.

I mean I have no social life, so if I'm not at home or at a friend's house, you can almost bet I'm there.

But the one time I actually do something fun, the world ends. I mean literally. The apocalypse started.

My best friend in the world, Ruby, has a boyfriend who is friends with the quarterback, so we got invited to a party. Of course, I didn't, they just told Ruby she could bring someone if she wanted.

So Ru and I went. She had to drive because I'm still 15 so I have yet to get my license. I was just wearing some skinny jeans and a ruffled top and sandals. I would have liked to outline my big, brown eyes with some eyeliner like Ruby's parents allow her to, but my parents don't allow me to.

They also don't allow me to dye my plain brown hair, wear any cute and/or flashy clothes, or pierce my ears, unlike Ruby's laid back parents who allow her to do anything she wants.

Ruby and I contrast so much. She has dyed her naturally brown hair all kinds of colors. It has been fire engine red, baby blue, blonde and brown ombre, blonde, pink and white ombre, and just about anything else. At the moment, it is jet black with a brilliant purple streak right next to her face.

She gets to decorate her tan skin with all kinds of makeup and spends hours in the tanning bed, making herself even more tan.

She has her ears pierced in multiple places and even has a belly button ring.

She wears flashy bright clothes and high heels whenever she wants.

Her parents have even promised to let her get a tattoo on her 18th birthday.

My parents, on the other hand, don't let me do anything. I have to keep my natural plain brown hair, pale skin, unpierced ears, and plain clothes. Honestly, they would like it if I looked like a nun or only wore overalls with turtlenecks and stayed 50 feet away from every male in the world.

I had to beg them just so I could go to the party. I promised there would be no alcohol (which I honestly didn't know) and all that. When Ruby came to pick me up, they made me promise not to stay out too late.

It's not like they would know anyways. I was staying at Ruby's house.

And so, we pulled up into Jake Hanson's party with Ruby looking like some punk rock superstar who could do anything and wasn't afraid of anyone, and me looking like a nun in training.

Go me, am I right?

We went in, Ruby walking through the crowd in her heels like she had no problem as I was tripping over my cheap sandals.

We found Ruby's boyfriend who had invited her in the living room.

I think his name was like Finn or something. They had an on and off relationship for years. He was in some garage band, which kind of explained his look. He wore skinny jeans which was kind of strange on a guy, but looked good on him and he had shaggy dark brown hair and (of course) pierced ears. I mean, come on Mom! Even guys have their ears pierced!

He gave us both a cup full of some orange liquid that I was about 93.164% sure was alcoholic, but I wanted to fit in, so I followed Ru's lead and downed it.

Ruby lead me off to the kitchen where I took my first Jell-O shot.

"Ru, are you sure we should keep drinkin?" I slurred to her after my 2nd one. I had never drank before, so of course, it affected me way more than her.

"Yeah, Leonie. Calm down. Have fun for once," she said as she downed another one.

An hour and several drinks later, I somehow found myself laying down next to a cute football player named Spencer, for whom I had harbored a crush on for years.

I saw Ru giving me a thumb's up across the room as she kissed Finn.

"Lee, you are so gorgeous. Truly," said Spencer. He didn't slur. Why? He had been drinking too. I think.

He shouldn't be calling me Lee. I'm Leonie. Only Ru calls me Lee.

"No I'm not. You are. You're so pretty," I slurred out. "I like you a lot."

Then I guess he needed a kiss because he started to kiss me. I'd never kissed a guy before. It was weird. It wasn't like people said it would be. He just kinda smushed against me.

And then he coughed.

Now I don't know about you, but I don't like being sick. So I tend to avoid sick people. Common sense right?

"You're sick." I stated as I pulled away from him. "No, it's just a cold. Come on Lee, let's find a bedroom." he purred seductively, grabbing my hand and slowly pulling me towards the hallway.

"No, you're sick." I say again. I mean come on dude, listen to what I'm saying.

"Lee, quit being difficult! Just come on! You know you want me," he said with an eye roll.

"No, I barely even know you, but I do know that I don't want hepatitis or anything else you have!"

And with that I left him there. I went to the kitchen, this time not to get more alcohol, but to get some water. After 3 glasses, the room wasn't spinning as much and my head cleared, but I still felt bad.

I decided to go find some Aspirin.

I wandered around passed out teenagers and kissing couples until I found the bathroom. It was a big one, so I figured it was Jake's parent's.

I stumbled inside and tried to open the medicine cabinet and managed to spill everything into the sink.

"Crap," I complained as I searched through the mess to find what I was looking for.

Ah ha! I had found it!

After struggling to open the bottle, I gulped down 2 pills. I didn't want to go back to the party yet, so I went pee and then just laid down on the cool tile floor.


S'up wattpaders?

So this is my story. *jazz hands in the general direction of it*

Not like my life story just the one I'm writing and making up in my head. Wow I suck at author's notes. And I call myself a writer. This is truly cringe-worthy.

I hope you press the little star shaped button to vote. And while you're at it, read the next chapter.

Byee! *waves frantically*

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