Chapter 8

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I pull into the driveway and thank God that I'm still alive. That was the worst car ride of my life. The ride that should have only taken a couple of minutes took us almost a half hour.

I gratefully climb out of the car and start walking towards the house, not stopping to think of how empty it is.

I walk into the house, and head to my room. I shut the door behind me and start to change.

I put on some worn skinny jeans and a gray top, slipping my new brown leather jacket on over it. I slide on my black converse and start packing my bags.

I take all my new lacy panties that are way more itchy than Ruby made them out to be, and throw them in my duffle bag. I get the rest of my fancy clothes and shoes and pack them all up.

Next, I put all my practical clothes. Things like my tattered, worn jeans, tennis shoes, hiking boots, thick jacket, Tshirts, and work out tank tops. I gather up all of my stuff up and set it in a pile by the door.

After a while, almost all of my drawers are empty.

I'm about ready to head out, but I'm just not ready to leave yet.

I go to my dresser and take all of my pictures out of the frames. I always said that I would make a scrap book. I guess I have plenty of time now.

I grab my sketch book off of my desk and a couple pencils. That's about all I can take.

I still just can't make myself leave.

Very few times in one's life, do they leave home with such a sense of finality.

When you move, you know that you're taking all the things that make it home with you. But this time, they all stay here.

I don't get to just make a new home. For that, you have to have people to make it with.

I flop down on my bed and take a deep breath, reveling in the familiar scent of home one last time.

There's something about a person's bed that just isn't comparable to anything else.

I eventually make myself get up and carry all my bags out to the car.

I make one last trip through the upstairs, gathering pictures and sliding them into my pack.

In Paisley's room, I take her favorite stuffed animal, a little purple whale. No one ever knew why she liked it so much, but I guess it never really mattered. Into the pack it goes.

I grab my dad's silver wristwatch and Mom's birthstone necklace. Those I put on, just to add to the outfit.

I've always loved Mom's birthstone. There's just something special about an emerald.

I see the photo album that Mom kept by her bed. It has our all-time favorite pictures of us. It joins the whale in my pack.

I finally head downstairs, where Quentin is finishing up packing all the food and stuff.

He had taken the rolling pin, all the knifes, and just about everything else that could be a weapon. And for some unknown reason, he included a cheese grater in the mix.

I mean, how much damage is a freaking cheese grater gonna do?!

"I got all the food. I took all the water bottles and stuff and filled them up. I just have to clean out the medicine cabinets, and we'll be set to go."

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