chapter 1: start

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Due to some reasons there were second genders in hell like alpha ,beta ,omega
Alphas were dominant and superior
Beta were dominant also but they were below alphas
Omegas were submissive and consider the lowest in the heirchy

When Lucifer falled and came to hell he also got second genders and he thought he'll be an alpha since he's king of hell but he turned out to be an omega it was humiliation for him that king of hell was an omega that is why he hided the fact he's an omega and told everyone he's an alpha even though there were many omega signs people still believed him because he was strong and king he hided his real gender even from him wife Lilith always was suspicious that Lucifer wasn't an alpha because he was short and beautiful and his dick was also short
(Sorry luci)
Lucifer took suppressant to stop heats and hide his scent usually they didn't sent but in heat they gave off rathur really sweet and alluring scent like a matting call
And any alpha would go nuts over him because he was king of hell and and also used to he an angel

Lucifer didn't wanted to he taken advantage off because he knew no matter how strong he is because of his gender he still needed to be careful he made sure no one would ever find out
Lucifer bragged alot but he couldn't satisfy Lilith fully because of his gender but he tried hard at last Lilith found out but didn't told anyone because she understanded his situation so she decided to keep her mouth shut
Lilith would help Lucifer during his heats an Lucifer would help lilith during her rut

(He would shapeshift into a horse I'm sorry 😭😭)

But then Lilith left him and disappeared Lucifer was broke because of it the woman he loved so much left him the woman he fought for betrayed his family for left him. Lucifer was left broken he spended his days in his room making ducks to calm his mind unil charlie called him to the hotel Lucifer remember he had a daughter he still has will to live no matter what Luci loves his daughter and he'll die for her he'll protect her no matter what

Lucifer put scent suppressant bandages on his neck to not give off omega scent Lilith and luci did mark each other but if one fells out of love the mark grows weak and slowly disappears when Lilith left luci mark started to disappears and so he realized Lilith doesn't love him anymore. 7 years passed and he accepted she's not coming back so luci never looked for her he just regretted her betrayal and felt how his siblings felt when he betrayed them but he knew what's done is done they probably hate him now and he doesn't have guts to go back an ask for forgiveness he's a coward

But he'll try try for his daughter

I'm not a good writer but I'm trying okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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