Chapter 9 : Past

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As the portal opened luci and alastor fell  inside and appeared right infront of the hotel where Charlie was desperately waiting for them once she saw them charlie took a breath of relief they both were back safe luci and Alastor went inside and Charlie quickly hugged her dad tightly grateful her dad is back safe and alive she cried tears of relief luci wiped his daughters tears and said I'm alright Sweety Dw nothing would've happened to me after Charlie stoped crying she bombered them both with questions of what happened and everything before luci can opened his mouth alastor started talking and told Charlie everything
Time skip
After everything luci was in his room playing with ducks and thinking about what happened how everything has changed and everyone he was deep in thought suddenly he remembered the past

Angels : TRAITOR
angel 2 : SINNER!
Seraphimes : BLASPHEME

Luci : I can explain listen to me plz I
Micheal : there's no more to listen lucifer
Luci : michea—
Azreal : you've talked ENOUGH!
Joel : time to face your punishment traitor
Luci : Joel
Luci heart was breaking
Luci : I'm sorry I
Galim : you've sinned lucifer god has decided to not forgive you you should've thought about your desires
Azreal : micheal
Luci : No plzz WAIT LET me
Micheal steps forward on the trail luci steps back in fear Putting lilith behind her protecting micheal went close and ripped luci hallow and threw him down to hell
Micheal : good bye lucifer
Luci whisper
Luci : micheal MICHEAl!!
Luci wakes up he breath's panic all the memories coming back to him
Lara : I'm a traitor a sinner a piece of shit I'm the worst sinner of all
Luci was having a panic attack tears falling from his eyes remembering the past
Luci : I'm such a FOOL i left everything for a woman WHO LEFT
Luci cried Alastor was passing by his room he heard cries and an omega in distressed he opened the door and went inside and saw luci crying alastor wanted to just leave him there but earning the powerful omega trust can benefit him soo alastor sat beside him and hugged him wrapped hands around he smaller person luci didn't push back he wanted this he didn't know why but he felt safe in alastor arms he hugged back and cried in his arm after his cried dead down alastor asked luci why he was crying luci told him everything about his past and stuff alastor might be heartless but he understood his pain of losing everything he once loves due to his own selfishness they both sat like this until night alastor said good bye to luci and told me to not worry it's ok luci nod and closed door he went under covers and slept wanting to forget todays encounter and wish to never go back

meanwhile with alastor
Alastor was walking to his radio tower in deep thoughts
Alastor pov : so that's the whole truth hah him and own stupidity leaving everything for a  pathetic woman who left him how foolish I should've expect the king of hell to be this patheticly ridiculous but considering his what happened in council court the angels all hate lucifer except maybe his brothers no matter how much they try to hide it with hard stares I felt the hard looks they were giving me seems like they still care for him I should seek more information to use this to my advantage I already have lucifer under my comand due to our deal once I free my own soul from the deal hell will be mine
Alastor let out a menacing laugh
Alastor: that pathetic luci will be a slut to my feet hahaha I'm gonna enjoy watching him break haha

Meanwhile in heaven
Micheal : is it me or lucifer has become more fem
Cassius: Petite I mean he was always short and being once gods favourite he creat him more beautiful then us
Micheal : no I mean he's more fem like the curves and stuff he wasn't like that
Joel : maybe it's hell second genders Yk the alpha beta omega thing
Azreal : yeah that I bet he turned out at omega
Galim : how you so sure
Azreal : cause it's luci he was a sugar pie here he's small thin submissive what quelity he was of dominance
Raphael laughs
Joel : that is super true tbh
They all chuckled
While micheal was in deep thoughts
Urial : sera case is tomorrow you should all get some rest
Galim : right everyone

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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