Chapter 8 return

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As the portal opened luci and alastor fall into it they arrived infront of the heavens gates
Just as saint Peter saw them his face went pale
Saint Peter : ummm what are yyyou doing here
Luci : we were called from heaven for the council trail
Saint Peter : oh I see well then go in

Luci heart beat stopped as the gates opened he couldn't bring himself to move and take a step towards the gates
Alastor put a reassuring hand on his shoulder
Fear not my lord we will survive
Luci wanted to smack his hand away but right now he was afraid and having alastor by his side gave him a little safety luci gulped and took a deep breath and took the step walking through the gates to the infinity paradise alastor walked beside him looking around taking the eternal beauty of the greatest paradise of all
As they walked through heaven A sudden wave of nostalgia hit luci all his memories this was HIS home this was his everything but he dropped it for someone who disappeared without even telling him luci felt a sudden wave of regret wash over him thinking about all the circumstances luci always acted like he didn't care but deep down he did he cared alot he wanted to ask for forgiveness but his pride his wife his love didn't let him he knew his lord will never forgive him for his betrayal to the world he's the devil the sinner the one who betrayed God for his own selfishness his own desires his own needs he made the biggest mistakes in history 
As they walked fear kept eating luci inside how would he face them his brothers his sisters everything he once knew how would they react to see him would they even care would they even look at him talk to him
All these thoughts were eating luci up inside he gave off distressed pheromones
Alastor reacted to them and put a hand around him
Stop overthinking my lord everything will turn out fine don't stress yourself
Alastor released calming pheromones for luci to calm to
As they both got near the council  Gabriel flied down infront of them with a powerful aura
Luci tried to act strong
Alastor put held his hand he knew luci needed it he also knew luci needs to be calm so they both can get out of here safely
Gabriel looked at them both his face expressionless
Gabriel: long time lucifer
Luci sweated buckets but he gathered enough courage
Luci : long time indeed Gabriel I believe we're late for the council
Luci wanted to end this as fast he could he couldn't face them
Luci and alastor walked passed Gabriel inside the council Gabriel kept his gaze on them
Inside all high ranked angels were seated lute was beside sera giving lucifer a hateful glare she hated his existence Emily was sitting on sera left side looking both worried and serious but this time above sera were seated the Archangels micheal ,Azreal,Raphael,Urial ,Gabriel,Cassius,Galim,Joel
All were seated all of them had hard expressions luci stood on the trail with alastor by his side he acted strong but inside he was scared inside
Sera : Lucifer magne/Morningstar you are accused of killing Adam the first man are these accusations correct
Luci gulped
Luci : yes I killed him
Sera : quite lute
Alastor spoke up
Alastor: lucifer indeed killed adam but in only self defence
Emily : self defence Wdym?
Alastor: Adam was going to kill luci daughter without any serious reason he came and attacked his home hurted his friend and almost killed him daughter Charlie
Lute : LIE—
Micheal : SILENCE!!
Everyone went quite dead silent
Micheal : is this correct Lute is lucifer telling truth
Lute : OFCOURSE not sir
Sera : lute be quite
Lucifer speaks up
Luci : I admit I killed him but I didn't do it on purpose he was about to kill my daughter he came into my home and was hurting my family for literally no reason I know you angels won't believe the word of the devil but my GOD my lord knows I'm speaking truth
Lute is hit my micheal sword she falls to the ground unconscious
Galim looks into lucifer eyes Galim : you spoke lords name and lighting didn't strike on you means lucifer is telling truth
Azreal : SERA!
sera afraid speaks
Sera : yea sir Azreal
Azreal : why were Adam and lute even doing there are you not DOING your job correctly your the oldest Seraphime
Sera looks down
Gabriel: you have a lot of explaining to do sera you better tell us entire truth or else you'll be the best fallen angel
Sera face paled and everyone eyes widened they knew archangel didn't joke about these things
Luci on the other hand took a breath of relief sighing
Alastor smiled the way archangel got angry for lute being bitch to luci it means they still care for him he should find how to use this to his advantage
The council ended with lute being thrown into jail for punishment and sera having a lot of explaining to do
Luci immediately hand alastor and walked towards the gates to go back into hell when Gabriel stoped them
Gabreil : for lute and sera case if we call you come to council
Luci : I'll consider it since trial is done im going to go back home
Gabriel: you've changed quite a lot
Luci didn't answer the question he simply nodded and him and alastor walked towards the gates
They both passed the gates and portal opened sending them both back to hell
Gabriel: luci has changed a lot
Cassius: WERENT you to overreacting by hitting lute
Micheal : she was being a bitch
Galim : cannot believe sera and others have been fooling us for this long
Raphael : me too it was nice to see Lucy after ions
Azreal : hmm true I hope he regret his mistakes
Micheal was in thoughts who was that man with luci why were they close what's relationship between them where is lilith

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