Chapter:6 blackmail

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Alastor needed to think and think fast he slept with the king of hell
Well it was really nice and pleasurable but that's not what alastor planned he cursed himself for not having control he looked over his bed to see a peaceful alastor sleeping and caring not about the world he saw the bit marks and hickeys he left in him while there were doing the deed
Alastor thought your soo defenseless right now my king I can kill you just know end you he thought and came close to luci face but then alastor backed away
Or I can use him to my advantage
Alastor laughed he did found out there little kings little secret how can he let this opportunity slide he should use to the fullest oh how amazing would it having the king at his knees
Alastor smiled sinisterly

A few hours later luci woke up an he stretched and after 20 min later  he realized what they did last night Luci
Luci started to panic until he saw alastor sitting infront of him with a smirk
They both shared an intense staring session the alastor spoke
You should've have listened when I told you to leave my king

He spit those words like venom looking into luci eyes
Luci said  did you
Yes I did alastor said I found out your little secret that your an omega your majesty
Luci cursed his breath and got up from bed heading towards alastor
Dont think about anything funny deer or else I'll end you
Luci said

Alastor then smiled and said oh my king dw I wont spread word but imagine hell founding outfits ruler is a weak omega.
Luci grabbed his collar say that again bastard I'll kill you right now don't forget I'm he king

Alastor said how could I forget my king but the information is quite big
He chuckled

Luci said what do you want
Alastor said nothing special your majesty how about a deal hmmm
Alastor smiled
Luci said hell no I'm not foolish like my daughter
Luci froze saying this he remembered he came here to speak about his and charlies deal
Luci said you made a deal with my daughter break that deal or else
Alastor said or else what my king you can't kill me your daughter will never forgive you and I don't think you want her hating you do you hehhe
Alastor laughed mockingly
Luci got angry but he knew the damn deer was right he couldn't let charlie hate him he'll die things just go better between them he can't let it be get ruined again
Luci said what do you want in order to break your and my daughters deal

Alastor said nothing much just you make a deal with me you have no choice I have the upper hand in can spread the information about your gender and we both know that will ruin you a lot mu short king

Luci gritted hi teeth but sighed he was right alastor had the upper hand buy luci didn't care about himself right now Al he cared for was his daughter he wasn't going to let anything happen to her Luci sighed and said what's you deal

Alastor smiled satisfied and said nothing much just you give me some of hell authority accept my orders and

Luci said and???!!

And let me drink your blood alastor said

Luci said WHAT hey I'm not your personal juice box
Alastor said but you don't have a choice my king now shall we.

Why do you even need my blood luci said
My king in a cannibal plus your an angel king of hell I want to taste your blood I bet it tastes delicious
Luci had a disgusted expression but he had no choice
Alastor forward his hand for

Lucifer cursed his breath but this was for his daughter
Luci said by doing this your deal with my daughter is broken right deer

Yes alastor said
And they both shook hands sealing the deal and a chain wrapping around luci neck
Luci thought I'm fucked

Yes alastor said And they both shook hands sealing the deal and a chain wrapping around luci neck Luci thought I'm fucked

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