chapter:4 disturbances

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Lucifer eyed the house and slowly went in inside of he house was like 90s and 80s all he could smell were maby radios why was this demons soo obsessed with radios anyways nvm he was here for a reason

Lucifer called out alastor name and waited but there was no reply he heard a loud pang from upstairs so lucifer slowly went upstairs to alastors room he stood infront of alastors room and called again alastor there was still no answer luci started o get impatient and said alastor open the fucking door or else I'll break it

Alastor on the other side was relaxing until he felt a strong entity approach he immediately knew it was Lucifwr but why was he here how did he find him well he's king of hell ofcourse he can find him but why now out of all times it's such a bad
timing while he's in this state he can't luci see him like this he needs to act act like he always did he heard luci voice call out to find he slowly got up from his bed but fell because his rut was messing with his mind he heard Lucifer approaching the stairs he forcly got up and tried to maintain his composer until her heard Luci voice again alastor open the fucking door or I'll break it
Alastor tried to talk buy his voice came out like a bitch in need he called out what do you want shorty he said with sarcasm even though he was in rut lucifer hd no right to barge into his house like that

Luci heard alastor voice and become a little pissed how dare he call him shorty but he noticed his voice came out like hungry was something wrong with him is he ok I the damn deer hurt or something duck I shouldn't care for that damn bitch but he's important to charlie luci thought and he said alastor I want to speak to you come out

Alastor cursed his breath why the fuck now why now fuck
Alastor said mu king I can't I'm busy with something plz can we talk some other day

Luci heard that but he wasn't going anywhere who knew what this psycho bitch had planned for charlie he wasn't gonna let anything happen l her sweet daughter

Lucifer and alastor kept arguing about the talk alastor kept telling luci to leave wile luci was stuburn and at least he open he door and widen his eyes
There stood alastor almost naked sweating and salvating his eyes were hungry and a strong pheromone hit lucifers face oh no this bitch is in rut luci cursed why didn't he listen to he damn deer

When alastor saw Lucifer forcly came in Alastor was looking like a mess control his desires was getting hard he wanted to do it when he saw Luci enter the room and stood shocked his mind was completely going blank his mind inner alpha screamed one thing mate mark breed mate mark breed before luci could react alastor pounced on him holding him down and looking at him with predatory eyes

Luci was now scared before h could say something he was pinned down alastor used his strong hands and tentacles off his back to hold luci in place
Now Luci was scared really scared he wished he listened to alastor and left he smelled his pheromone and even luci mind went blank alastors pheromone were strong real strong
Luci screamed at him alastor get up it's not funny get up all leave
But alastor was not having this he had completely lost it he saw Lucifer soo small and helpless he couldn't control anymore
Lucifer was now scared he was reacting to his pheromone he was an omega it was natural alastor scent made him hot too now that he looked at the damn deer he was kinda hot with those scares and stuff Luci tried to escape but he couldn't alastor pheromones were wearing him he never felt like this he saw hunger in Alastors eyes he realized he damn deer has already lost control luci tried to push him away but the hands and tentacles were holding him down
Alastor slowly went towards luci neck and started kiss ad bite it
Luci tried hard to control his moans he bite on his tongue until alastor ripped off his scent gland stickers luci scent was revealed it was sweet like honey an apples
Alastor was shocked he was right Luci was an omega he was right and his scent was soo good it was making alastor hungry he looked at the small weak lucifer and smirked he kept licking and biting luci neck while luci moaned luci tried hard but he couldn't stop his moans
Alastor slowly started to undress Luci he saw how beautiful his body is well luci was an archangel ofcourse his body will be beautiful his body was more beautiful and soft then any demon he looked so beautiful to alastor


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