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"Girl, I almost wrecked trying to get here on time

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"Girl, I almost wrecked trying to get here on time. What did I miss?" panted Cherelle, the late comer and Mya's coworker.

She pulled out the chair next to Mya and sat her bags down.

"You didn't check your email until this morning?" Mya chuckled.

"Duh! Work is over as soon as I clock out. I ain't checking a damn email," Cherelle whispered as all eyes were still on her, "Beth called me this morning and told me to check. I never got dressed so fast," Cherelle shook her head, "Do I look ok?"

"You look fine," Mya reassured her, flipping some of Cherelle's hair behind her as some got stuck in her collar, "and Tim is still in his office. His HR meeting ran longer than expected."

Cherelle let out a sigh of relief, "you know,
I'm kinda glad we're having this welcome meeting. Maybe he'll forget about those projects he assigned me yesterday. They're supposed to be due this morning, but when I tell you I haven't even started... girl, I haven't so much as opened Python."

"What do you even do at your desk all day?" Mya chuckled.

"I been binging Snowfall. I got so caught up
In Franklin's python that I ain't even thought about this one. Mm, that is a fine man."

"Who you telling? You think him and Lori are still together? You know she been cycling through these men like underwear," Mya remarked.

"Lori as in Harvey? They're together?!"

"Girl, you didn't know? Catch up!"

"Nah, the bitch has to be stopped," Cherelle shook her head in disapproval, "She taking all the good men and leaving us with crumbs. Is that not a crime against huma—."

Cherelle was unable to finish as Tim, their boss, had just entered with his entourage of office staff. He bid everyone a good morning at which Cherelle rolled her eyes because it was never a good morning whenever she had to be woken up out of her sleep, especially for work. Tim prefaced the meeting with a few company wide announcements, being sure to stress the importance of finishing projects by the deadline as he locked eyes with Cherelle.

"Fuck," she mumbled as she shifted in her seat guiltily.

"Now, as most of you know, we are gathered here today to welcome a new member of the team. He will be transferring into our risk analysis department all the way from one of our Virginia offices. So, without further ado, I would like you to meet Joseph Bennett," said Tim, stepping aside to give Joseph the floor.

"Mm...," Cherelle hummed at the sight of the man standing at the head of the table, making Mya look away from the window she was gazing out of. She did a double take upon seeing her new coworker, because he wasn't new to her at all.

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