characters sketch

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★They are not official face claims. You could imagine them as anyone you want.
These are just for some insight and have no relation with the story.

★Thank you madrewar7104 and Crystal_Roses30 for suggestion.

Rayansh Wilson (32)


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Dr Aaron wilson (27)

Dr Aaron wilson (27)

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"Be careful.The Devil has a pretty face and magical hands."

Dylan Wilson (23)

"Your attitude may hurt me

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"Your attitude may hurt me.But mine will kill you"

Aditya Wilson (21) (Elder twin)

Aditya Wilson (21) (Elder twin)

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"Damaged people are dangerous.They know how to make hell feel like home."

Lucian Wilson (21) (younger twin)

"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do

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"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do."

Diana Wilson (turned 19 a week ago)

"She's beauty, she's grace, She'll punch you in the face

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"She's beauty, she's grace, She'll punch you in the face."

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