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Adina's POV

I woke up feeling nauseous and wasn't even able to enjoy the warmth of Darian's arms around me because soon enough I was rushing to the bathroom. I threw the toilet lid up before emptying whatever could be left inside of my stomach from the day before. I had a major headache and it felt like someone was pounding it with a hammer.

It took me a few minutes to regain myself, no longer having anything in my stomach to vomit up. I realized I was completely naked and that brought every thought of last night back to the surface. My face heated up realizing just what Darian and I had done. It was the furthest I had ever gone with a guy, quite obviously. I was just happy that it was with Darian and not Jackson.

I hated him even more than before, all chances of a friendship with him went straight out the window. A soft knock kept me from wallowing in my thoughts.

"Hey, are you okay?" I could hear a slight pain in his voice though I didn't know what from, he hadn't drunk anything last night. I looked around grabbing a towel quickly to wrap around myself before moving to open the door and look up at him. My eyes met his bare chest before flicking up to his own.

"Y-yeah, I just felt sick," I said quietly, my face heating up when the knowing look crossed his face. He gave me a small smile before his face grew more serious. He looked around before stepping past me and into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it.

My breath caught in my throat, and my body instantly heated up. If it weren't for the seriousness in his eyes I might have kissed him, disgusting I know.

"Last night- What does this make us." He mumbled, watching me carefully. He had this scared expression on his face and I had no idea what it was for. Was he scared of commitment? Or was he scared I was going to reject him?

I had no idea what he wanted me to say so I stayed quiet for a moment, collecting my thoughts. We knew each other well, and I liked him. He seemed to like me too, so did that mean we would be dating? I didn't entirely know much about how everything worked.

"We're just- we're just friends who uh- who did things non-friends do," I said quietly, hoping my answer was enough to satisfy him. When I looked at him he had a blank expression on his face, making me unable to tell whether he liked that answer or not.

"Right- oh, I was thinking of going to find another job. I was thinking now that you're settled in I could go and start working once more. There's this cafe hiring, I know it's not my strong suit but it's something." I couldn't help laughing at him a little. He looked like a nervous kid standing there telling me about his dreams. I was proud of him for actually considering a job that, in his books, was considered lame.

I nodded slowly, not entirely sure why he told me this, not that I minded hearing him talk. My question was answered quickly when he spoke up again.

"I was thinking, if you're up to it, why don't you work with me? It's a relatively easy job I think you'd like it." His words made my stomach churn uncomfortably. I knew I was staying here, barely helping around the house. Maybe this was his way of telling me to step up. 

"Sure, why not? Uhm, I'll shower real quick and then we can go check it out?" I was suddenly self-conscious about how I looked, my hair was a mess and I probably stunk, not to mention that I just threw up. He gave me a quick nod before leaving me to shower.


The interview had gone great, the lady didn't seem to care much who worked at her cafe, just that they showed up and did their job. She said we could start as early as the next day and that one of the other employees would come in to teach us everything we needed to know. Darian already knew how to work cash registers and she was able to teach him whatever else he needed to know quickly.

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