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Darian's POV

I cut my laughter off, giving him an apologetic look before clarifying my reaction.

"I'm sorry, was that really what you were worried about?" I asked quietly, giving him a sympathetic look. "You know I'd love you no matter what, we're family, just don't go looking at my ass," I lightly added the last part, causing him to ease up and let out a small chuckle finally.

"Never even thought about it." He shot back, I gave my best attempt at an offended look but it seemed to come off as pitiful because he just laughed at me. I knew he was probably skeptical considering his family would kill him if they found out, I was still a bit hurt that he was scared I would think so as well. 

"No matter what you say or do, I'm by your side for life alright?" I didn't let him respond, cutting him off and bringing up something lighter. Neither of us was good at sentimental talks and we would both like it a lot better if we moved on.

The rest of our little hangout went smoothly, he told me a little about what he had been up to and we made plans to see each other later on in the week. He said he missed me at school but I told him I was staying with Adina for support to which he understood.


When I got home I found my parents talking in the kitchen, their voice cut off when I walked in, looking up to smile at me.

"How was your day?" Anthony asked me, his hands clasped in front of him on the table.

"Pretty good considering everything that went on. I think she's glad to have everything settled, she can finally feel at peace." I said quietly, they knew that the pastor was dead, and maybe they even suspected me of being the murderer, but they spoke nothing about it.

"I'm glad she can rest, she's upstairs by the way, she hasn't eaten any dinner if you want to take some up to her, I made some spaghetti it's on the stove." I nodded slowly, passing them both and accepting a kiss on my forehead from each other in turn. I made two bowls of spaghetti and grabbed a bottle of soda, juggling it all up the stairs.

Adina was curled up on my bed, staring down at her phone not noticing me as I entered the room. She jumped a little as I placed the bowls on my side table, for once happy I cleaned up so I had a place to put them. 

She looked up quickly, her face turning red as she glanced at me. She took the bowl gratefully and started to eat silently. I took a seat beside her and copied her actions. For a couple of minutes, we stayed silent just enjoying each other's company.

"Thank you, for today I mean," Adina said after a few minutes, I looked up slowly giving her a fond look before brushing a strand of hair from in front of her face.

"Anytime, you know I'd do anything for you," I said quietly, earning a small laugh from her as she hid her face once more as it turned red. She seemed a lot more carefree now that everything was settled. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked quietly, finishing my food and putting the bowl back onto the side table. She followed my actions before sitting up to look at me. Her face seemed brighter and a small smile graced her pink lips.

"Just some light cramping and bleeding but a lot better, the pain pills take the edge off of everything." I nodded slowly before pulling her to sit in my lap. Her actions seemed to fuel my need for her and I couldn't help the way my body seemed to heat up anytime we were close.

I could tell she was having the same reaction because her face darkened once more, her auburn hair falling in front of her face.

"Your face might turn a permanent shade of pink." I teased, brushing her hair back once more and tucking it behind her ear. My eyes fell to her lips, she seemed to have noticed, her bottom lip tugging between her teeth.

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