Chapter 8

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Your POV
I got wheeled into the hospital and there was a lot of yelling and everyone ran over to me. They wheeled me into the OR to operate immediately. I had a lot of stitches put on my wound and then they wheeled me into a room where they put me in the hospital bed. "Can I have visitors now?" The nurse nodded and put an IV in me.

Lauren and the girls walked in "oh my gosh babe are you ok?" She ran up and hugged me. "I'm ok, just very sore" she looked at my exposed leg and the massive amount of stitches in it. "Can you feel that?" She said, as she gently rubbed her fingers across it, "only a little. They have me on a lot of pain killers, what did I hurt anyway?" She kissed my temple "well, a lot. You bruised your stomach, your face, broke your collar bone and severely bruised your tailbone" Dinah chimed in "well, that and you got stabbed" Camila punched her arm playfully "it's ok. That can explain why it hurts to laugh or lay down or sit or anything really. Then the nurse walked in "ok sweetie, you're able to go home now, but you need to rest for a few weeks" I nodded to her and the girls helped me out of bed. ally handed me the clean clothes she brought me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, my face was bruised and I couldn't lift my arms. I felt really embarrassed, but I needed help, so I opened the door and peeked out. "Uh...lauren, can you help me?" Her face got blood red and she nodded "y-yeah Y/N" she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. the bathroom was very cramped, so we were pretty close to each other. "I j-just need help getting dressed" she nodded and gulped. She grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it slowly, making eye contact the entire time. My face started burning up. She got to my shoulder and helped me put my arm through the arm hole and then the other arm, and soon, I was standing there without a shirt on. She bent down to grab the clean shirt. She put my hurt arm through the arm hole, and then my other arm. Now my gym shorts. Lauren looked down, and grabbed the waistband of my shorts. Then, she pulled them off slowly, one leg at a time. I gulped and she grabbed the clean sweatpants. She pulled them on and pulled the string to tighten them a bit. then, she pulled me in and kissed me "that was really awkward, but so hot at the same time" she whispered and I smirked "maybe it can be better the next time" she giggled "ok babe, lets get you home"

We finally got home and Lauren laid me down on our bed and turned on the tv. "Babe, please don't be like that" she looked at me "like what babe?" I kissed her forehead "I just don't want you to feel the need to help me all the time because I'm hurt. You don't have to wait on me hand and foot" she smiled and kissed me "I'm going to help you babe. And it's because I love you and you need to rest, not be up and running around." I smiled "i love you too, Lauren."

I hope you guys liked it! Thank you for being so patient! I love you all! Xoxoxo

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