Chapter 21

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*I'm back! This chapter is LONG here you go!*

My Hero - Chapter 21

The day dragged on painfully slow. I was way too excited to be in school right now. Every class just dragged on and I wasn't even paying attention.

Finally the bell rang and the day was over. I ran to my locker and dumped all of my books into my locker.

"Someone looks excited." Liam said coming up behind me.

"You have no idea." I said shutting my locker. "Are you walking home with me?"

"I would love to walk my beautiful girlfriend home." He said holing his arm out. I laughed and looped my arm with his.

When we got to my house we went straight to my room. I threw my backpack across the room and jumped on my bed.

"I'm so excited, but terrified at the same time." I said looking at the ceiling.

"Why would you be terrified?" Liam asked laying down next to me. "It's going to be nothing but fun."

"I haven't been in a car for more than an hour since the accident." I said.

"Mexico." Liam reminded me.

"That's different." I said. "I had to help keep you under control and didn't focus on the car ride itself."

Liam sighed and rolled over so he was looking at me. "I'll be with you the whole car ride."

I smiled a little. "I know, but that fear will still be with me."

We stayed there until Stiles came bursting through my door. "Get your shit together! I want to put everything in the jeep now."

"They're all right there," I said pointing to the bags by my door. Stiles grabbed them and walked out.

"One more thing." He said popping his head in the doorway. "Liam, get off of my cousin's bed and go home. You'll get to be with her for the rest of the weekend."

Liam groaned, but got up. "I'll see you later." He said. I stood up and pecked his lips.

"Okay." I said.

When Liam was out the house I yelled at Stiles. "Do you enjoy doing this to us?!"

"Very much!"he yells back. "Love you!"


Everyone met up at our house at 7 o'clock. My uncle and Melissa decided that they would ride together, Stiles, Scott, Mason, Liam and I would ride in the jeep, and the girls would go in Lydia's car.

"Let's go. Everybody get in the cars!" My uncle said.

Stiles, Scott, Mason, Liam and I piled into the jeep.

"You ready?" Stiles asked energetically.

I took a deep breath. "Let's do this."

Scott turned around and looked at me. I guess he could sense that I'm a little in edge about the car ride. "You'll be fine."


Luckily, the drive hasn't been as bad as I thought it would. We're at the last gas station before we hit the Grapevine. The part I'm nervous about the most.

I leaned into Liam's side. "I'm not ready for this."

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "It'll be fine."

I sighed and nodded. Then Stiles and Scott got back in the car and we were on our way.

Stiles decided to play a lot of my favorite songs to keep me distracted during the rest of the drive. It was fine, until we got to the mountains.

Every turn brought my anxiety up more and more. I knew Scott and Liam could tell because they kept a cautious eyes on me.

"Hey littler people." Stiles said.


"Stiles and I brought some drinks from home. You want one right now?" Scott said.

"Sure." I said. He went through a plastic bag and handed Liam and Mason Cokes and me a chocolate milk.

I opened my milk and started drinking it. I noticed that it tastes a little off, but I shrugged it off and kept drinking it.

A few minutes later I was getting really tired. I put my head on Liam's shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to Stiles and Scott singing 'Dear Maria, Count Me In' by All Time Low. We were stopped in a lot of traffic, but it didn't look like we were in the mountains anymore.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Stiles jumped and turned around. "What are you doing awake? You should still be asleep."

"What do you mean I should still be asleep." I asked confused.

He stayed silent and turned back to the road. Then I though about it.

"Did you drug my chocolate milk?!" I asked.

"It was only Benadryl." He said.


"Hey look on the bright side. We're not that far away from Anaheim!" Scott said happily.

"Yay! We get to sit through L.A traffic now!" Stiles yelled.


"Sarah wake up!" Someone yelled while shaking me. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a bed and all the girls were standing around me. I sat up and looked around. We were in a hotel room.

"Finally, you woke up." Malia said. "You fell asleep last night in the car and no one wanted to wake you."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 7:30. The park opens at 8. Get out of bed and get ready." She said.

I got out of bed and got ready as quickly as I could. I changed into a Lilo & Stitch tank top, blue jeans, and my black converse. Then I threw my hair in a ponytail and put a Lilo bow in my hair.

When I finished getting ready we went across the hall to the boy's room. I knocked on their door and Stiles answered the door.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Almost." He said and let us in their room. We've only been here since last night, and their room is already really messy. Then again, it's four teenage boys together in one hotel room.

Once they got ready, we got my uncle and Melissa and made our way to the park. Then we all went to have breakfast at the Carnation Cafe on Main Street.

Once we finished eating we all walked towards Tomorrowland an rode every ride there. On Space Mountain, Stiles wanted to make our picture funny so he tucked his arms into his shirt, Scott started eating a granola bar, and Liam and Mason were doing invisible saxophones. We got a lot of weird looks when we went to see the picture.

About halfway through the day we decided to go to California Adventure. Obviously while we were there we did a lot more stupid things. At one point Lydia and Malia walked away because we were "embarrassing them."

At around 8 o'clock we went to Storyteller's Cafe and had a very delicious and extremely expensive dinner.

We went back to the hotel to change into some warmer clothes and went back to Disneyland. We watched the fireworks and did my favorite thing in the park; we watched Fantasmic.

We ended up staying in the park until closing and walked around Main Street looking into some random stores. We even got ice cream at one in the morning.

By the end of the night I was beyond tired. Half way back to the hotel room Liam had to give me a piggyback ride because I didn't want to walk anymore.

When we got back to the hotel I changed and went straight to bed.

Day 1 was amazing. I hope day 2 will be as great, or better.

My Hero [Liam Dunbar]Where stories live. Discover now