Chapter 4

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My Hero - Chapter 4

Stiles stops the jeep in front of his house.

"What are we doing here? I thought we were going to Scott's house?" I asked.

"I'm going to Scott's house. You are staying here." He said clarifying the situation.

"But Scott told me to go to his house too." I argued.

"I don't care what Scott said I'm your cousin and I want you to stay home. You should go to sleep or something you look tired." Stiles said opening my door.

"Fine, but call me if Scott did something really stupid. Okay?" I said getting out of the jeep.

"Alright. I'll call you in like thirty minutes then." He said.

I walk into the empty house and go straight to my room wondering what Scott did.

*Stiles' POV*

After I drop Sarah off at my house I go straight to Scott's house.

"Like I said I told my dad everything I could." I said as I entered his house.

"But you didn't tell him about Liam?" He asked

"You barley told me about Liam." I said "What did you do with him anyway?"

"He's upstairs" he said.

"Doing what?" I asked

"Lying down" He said unsure.

We went upstairs and I followed Scott into his bathroom. He moves the shower curtain and there was Liam wrapped in duct tape. I sigh and move the shower curtain so it's covering Liam. Scott and I sat down on his bed.

"So you bit him" I said


"And kidnapped him" I added


"And brought him here" I finished

"I panicked" he said defending himself

"This isn't going to end with us burying pieces of his body out in the desert it is?" I asked. After I said that we can hear Liam letting out muffled cries.

"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." I told him.

"I know" he said "Which is why I called you."

"So, what do we do?" I asked

"Well, I told Sarah to come with you because she and Liam actually seem to be friends...or something" he said

"Whoa. Wait. What?" I asked confused

"Yeah when we were at the hospital Sarah was in the room with him and they were talking about a date or something. I think they might like each other, but either way Liam might listen to us if she was here." He told me.

"Well, I think I should call Sarah right now" I said pulling out my phone.

*Sarah's POV*

I'm sitting my room on Tumblr when my phone starts ringing. I automatically know it's stiles, only because his ringtone is 'Master of Puppets.'

"So what did Scott do this time?" I ask.

"Hello to you too. And um. Well, he may or may not have bitten and kidnapped Liam" he said that last part a little quick.

"He did what?!" I screamed jumping up and running around my room trying to find my shoes.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" he asked sarcastically

"No. I'll be there in ten minutes." I sighed "Oh and Stiles?"


"Tell Scott I'm going to kick is ass." I said as I tied my shoes.

"Will do. Um, try walking fast." He said and hung up. I grab my Rise Against hoodie and ran out the door.

When I get there the front door is wide open. I walk inside and see the two idiots on the floor with Stiles grabbing Scott's legs. "I got him!" he was screaming.

"No you don't" I said standing over him. Scott glares at Stiles which causes him to release his legs. When Scott stood up I went up to him and slapped him across the face. "I deserved that" he said.

"Yeah you did. What happened?" I asked

"Well your little friend threw a chair at us and made a run for the door" Stiles said.

"You guys are two years older than him! And you're and alpha!" I said pointing to Scott. "You couldn't stop one fifteen year old boy?"

"You make us sound weak and pathetic" Stiles said

"Because you are weak and pathetic" I said and took a deep breath. "Look. I sit next to Liam in English. I'll tell him to meet me during lunch or something and I'll try my best to get him to talk to you guys. Just don't kidnap him again. Please"

"Okay" stiles said "Now what's this I heard about and that kid going on a date?"

I look at Scott who is looking at Stiles with wide eyes. "Scott" I said which made him look at me.

"I'm going to kill you."

My Hero [Liam Dunbar]Where stories live. Discover now