Chapter 1

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My Hero - Chapter One

I've only been in Beacon Hills for like six months and so far it has been crazy. Luckily I made a few new friends, thanks to Stiles. Allison, Lydia, and Kira were my only friends who were girls and they helped me a lot, especially when explaining all of these supernatural things.

Like first off my cousin's best friend, Scott, is a werewolf, the alpha to be exact. Stiles' girlfriend, Malia, is a werecoyote. Allison was a hunter. Lydia is a Banshee. Kira is a kitsune, and for a while my cousin was possessed by a nogitsune. I, of course, was dragged into this and due to me living with the possessed one and was almost killed a time or twenty. Thankfully we were able to save Stiles, but along with saving Stiles our friend Allison died.

Now it's been a couple of months after everything and I've finally been able to settle down and relax. I started high school this year with Stiles and everyone, and like every other high schooler I hate it.

Apparently they all went to Mexico to find Derek (who despite his attitude at first, is pretty close to me). I wanted to go but Scott and Stiles told me that it might be dangerous and they didn't want me getting hurt.

I'm now home alone. My uncle, the sheriff, won't be home until later tonight and who knows what time Stiles will be home so I decide to decorate my plain and sad looking room. As I was decorating I got really bored so I put 'Load' by Metallica in my cd payer and put 'Until It Sleeps' on.

"So tear me open pour me out. There's things inside that scream and shout. And the pain still hates me. So hold me until it sleeps" I sing while putting some posters on my wall. I hear my bedroom door open and a chuckle.

Turn around and Stiles in the doorway. "What are you laughing at? And what do you want?" I ask him.

"Well first off you're listening to Metallica. And you're listening to their worst album." he said holding up the cd case for Load. "And I just thought that you might like to know that your dear cousin that you love so much came home alive from our trip to Mexico."

I roll my eyes "Well I'm happy you're home but I'm not happy that you're judging me on my music taste. So get out." I said pointing to the door.

He smiles "No. I don't think I will."

I walk over to him start pushing him out the door and continue singing the song "So tear me open make you gone. No longer will you hurt anyone. And the hate still shapes me. So hold me, until it sleeps" I slam the door in his face and lock it.

"Ok. I'll just talk to you later then" I hear him say from the other side of the door. I stand there and smile to myself.

Yeah, this is what I live with.

My Hero [Liam Dunbar]Where stories live. Discover now