Chapter 10

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My Hero - Chapter 10

Liam decided to go home at about ten o'clock the next morning, and that's only because his step dad told him to.

Since I got no sleep last night I thought it would be a good idea to get a little sleep. Right as I get comfortable Derek walks into my room and throws something on my bed.

"Get up" he said.

"Why?" I groaned.

"Something happened at the school and if you don't get up then Scott, Kira and Malia are going to die." He said

"What?" I asked sitting up.

"Last night Malia and I found Satomi's pack. They were all dead, they died of some sort of supernatural smallpox. That same thing is happening at the school right now. Now get up, Lydia is coming to pick you up and take you to the school." he said

"Am I even allowed to leave the hospital?" I asked.

"Melissa will take care of everything. There's clothes in that bag, change and be ready." He said and walked out of the room.

I got out of bed and grabbed the bag. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I threw my hair in a bun and put on the outfit in the bag. When I walk out Lydia is sitting on my bed.

"It's about time! Come on we got to go." she said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my room, which I didn't appreciate since my stomach still hurt like hell.

When we get to the school there are cops and people in these yellow suits everywhere. I automatically see my uncle and so does Lydia. We try to get to him but someone stops us.

"Sheriff!" Lydia called to try to get his attention. He must have heard her because he turned around and walked over to us.

"Hey let them through, they're with me." he said

We walk through and make our way to him and Agent McCall. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Quarantine." He sighed, then he realized something. "Wait a minute. Why are you here? Shouldn't you still be in the hospital? How did you even hear about this?"

"Okay you just asked me a bunch of questions. Lydia picked me up. Melissa took care of the hospital thing, but honestly I don't think I would have been allowed to leave. And Derek told me about this, kind of." I said.

He looked at me for a second and looked at Lydia, who smiled somewhat innocently at him, and looked back at me "Okay."

"My mom's in there" Lydia said to us

My uncle pulled me and Lydia away from other people and looked at us pretty concerned, which I don't blame him my cousin who is his son is in there and who knows how it's affecting everyone else. "Lydia, this is all very new to me, and I don't know how this works, I still have to ask. Do you have any indication, any kind of feeling about this that someone is going to die?

"Yes" she said "and it's not just a feeling"

That made me freak out a little. What if it's Scott, or Kira, or Malia, or worse, Stiles? I know this sickness thing probably won't do anything to him, but if this is another assassin, then I don't think Stiles would stand much of a chance against them.


I've been standing outside of the school for who knows how long now. I don't have my phone to call or text anyone. Melissa called Agent McCall a while ago and told him that there was a cure for this thing, so he went into the school to find Scott.

Suddenly the school doors open and some students were coming out to their anxiously waiting parents. I took that opportunity to run inside the school. I was running, which again wasn't good in my situation, around the halls not knowing where to go when I see Malia walking. "Malia!" I called.

She just ignored me and kept on walking. I run further down the halls and I crashed into someone. I look up and it was Stiles. I didn't even think and I jumped on him and hugged him. I ignored the pain for just a second and held onto my cousin who was luckily still alive.

When I pulled away I noticed that he was covered in blood "Oh my god! What happened to you?" I asked.

"It's not my blood" He quickly said.

"Is that supposed to make it better?" I asked.

"No, I guess not" he mumbled looking down. Scott and Kira came up behind him.

"Sarah?" Scott asked "Shouldn't you still be at the hospital?"

"Yeah, but your mom took care of some things and Lydia picked me up." I said. He just nodded.

"So what happened here?" I asked.

"A lot of things that can be explained later." Stiles said "Preferably after I take a shower and throw these clothes away."

"Okay let's go home. I want to lie back down and catch up on things." I said.

"You have a lot to catch up on" Stiles said putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the school.

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