Chapter 2

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My Hero - Chapter 2

We were sitting in Stiles' jeep, and by 'we' I mean Scott, Stiles and I, and they were trying to explain what went on in Mexico.

"Wait, so Allison's psychotic dead aunt is alive now and is some kind werejaguar?" I asked extremely confused. The two boys nodded.

"Yeah. She was the one who kidnapped Derek. She also turned him back into a teenager to regain his rust so he would help learn control. She also has these things called berserkers, they are extremely dangerous and creepy looking. Oh and let's not forget that millions of dollars were stolen from Derek and Peter." Stiles said.

"Well is Derek back to normal now?" I asked.

"Yeah, sort of" Stiles said.

"I don't think I want to know what you mean by sort of" I said.

"No. You probably don't" Stiles said with a sigh and starts to drive to school. They start talking about the lacrosse tryouts that are today so I put my headphones in.

"I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter. I had to fall to lose it all, but in the end it doesn't even matter." I sing quietly.

Scott turns around "Really Linkin Park?" He asked. I just look at him and give him the finger. He just laughs and starts talking to Stiles again.

When we get to school I walk straight to my first lass, which is English. When I get to my class there is a boy I have never seen before in the seat next to mine. I slowly walk over to my desk and sit down. I pull out my binder and work on the piece of sheet music I'm writing.

Then the boy sitting next to me clears his throat. "Hi. I'm Liam."

I smile at him, "I'm Sarah." Then go back to my sheet music.

He looks over "What instrument do you play?"

"Piano" I said simply not looking up from my music.

"Do you play in the band?" he asked.

I put my pencil down "No. I actually don't have a piano any more. I'll play the piano here but it hasn't been tuned in a while so for now I just write the music" I said

"That's cool. What song are you writing?" he asked.

"The cover of Ecstasy of Gold by Metallica" I said.

"Wow. You can play Metallica songs on the piano?" he asked surprised.

I shrugged. "Yeah. It's kind of hard but I can do it."

Then the teacher came in and started the lesson. After maybe 45 minutes of working we were given free time for the rest of the class. Liam then turned to me "Are you going to the lacrosse tryouts?"

"Yeah. My cousin is on the team and he's kind of my ride home so I have to wait for him."

Then the bell rand and I put all of my stuff away. As I was walking down the hall I hear Liam "I'll see you around Sarah." I turn around and wave at him.

I find Kira, Scott and stiles down the hall talking so I walk up to them.

"An axe murderer?" Kira asked as they start walking towards me.

"A family murdering axe murderer" Stiles clarified.

"Oh god what did I walk in to?" I groaned

"I already heard about it." Scott said.

"Wait. What? You did? How?" Stiles asked.

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." He explained.

"Perfect. Let's go." Stiles said and started walking.

"Um. I have a Spanish test today" I said.

"Yeah Stiles, we've got econ in five minutes" Scott told him.

"Alright. Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?" Stiles asked.

"Did you forget your dad's the sheriff?" I asked.

"Yeah, they want us to stay out of this." Scott said

"Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?" Stiles asked starting to get irritated.

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it?" Kira said. Scott and I nodding in agreement.

"So the three of you just wanna stay here and go to class? I've never heard anything so irresponsible in my life" he said and left.

"See you at tryouts." Scott called out but stiles already turned the corner.

"I still can't believe I'm related to that. I'll see you guys later." I said and walked off to my next class.

My Hero [Liam Dunbar]Where stories live. Discover now