Chapter 9

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My Hero - Chapter 9

I could hear this really annoying beeping sound. I open my eyes and I'm blinded by a bright light. When my eyes adjust I look around and notice that I'm in a hospital bed.

I notice Stiles sitting in an uncomfortable looking chair next to my bed. He keeps checking his pone and then looks at the other side of the room.

"Stiles?" I say softly.

He jumps and looks at me "Oh hey Sarah. How ya feeling?"

"Like I was stabbed and thrown down a well." I groaned.

"Yeah, well you've been out for almost two days."

"Is Liam okay?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "The kid is fine. Deaton fixed him up. It's pretty late right now should probably go back to sleep." He said.

"You have the PSATs. You should go home and get some sleep." I said.

"No. You're more important than that" he said.

"I am not more important than your chances at going to college. Now go home" I said.

Before he could argue with me his phone went off, he got a text. He read the text and looked at me "Alright I'll go home. I'll come by tomorrow after the test. Okay?"

"Alright" I said.

"Oh yeah and I brought your laptop in case you get bored later." he said.

"Okay thanks. Good luck tomorrow" I said.

He walked out and a little while later a doctor came in. I noticed it was the same doctor that took care of Liam when he broke his leg.

"Hello Sarah. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I've been better." I said. he nodded.

"Are you feeling any pain?" He asked, I shook my head "it's not that bad" I said.

He looked across the room and chuckled a little "Are you the Sarah my step son won't stop talking about?"

"What?" I asked confused. He just smiled and pointed across the room.

I looked and there was Liam. He was fast asleep on a chair and he was resting his head on a stuffed orca. I couldn't help but smile at that. That must have been what Stiles kept looking at.

"You're all he talks about. I've never seen him act like this. He really is something else." he said.

"Yeah, he really is" I said.

"I'm sorry, I have another patient I need to check up on. Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

"I'm sure" I said.

"Okay. Melissa McCall will be here if you need anything." he said and walked out of my room.

I look back at Liam and he is still sleeping. I know he definitely needs the sleep and he looks kind of peaceful, but I'm bored so I'm going to wake him up.

I grab one of the pillows behind me and throw it at him. He jumps and falls out of the chair and looks up at me. "Sarah you're wake!" he said.

He ran over and gave me a hug which made me wince. He must have noticed because he immediately pulled away and looked at me "I'm sorry. I was scared you wouldn't wake up" he said.

"Well I did. You guys can't get rid of me that easy" I said trying to joke around

"Sarah." he firmly said "When Scott got you out of that well you weren't breathing and he said he couldn't hear your heartbeat. I thought you died and you were never going to wake up" I notice his eyes starting to water.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper "all I seem to do is get in the way and almost get killed"

"At least you manage to put up a fight first. I've almost been killed like three times in the past week" he said looking down.

"There's something else bothering you isn't there?" I asked.

"Lydia decoded the last third of the list. I'm on it, and I'm worth three million" he said not being able to look me in the eyes.

"What else. There's still something else. I can see it" I said.

"I like you Sarah." He said blurted quickly. I look up at him "What?"

"I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but there's just something about you. I just, I don't know." He said

I didn't know what to say. I pat the bed and scoot over a little so he can sit next to me. I look at the chair Stiles was in and saw my laptop. I pick it up and turn it on.

"Maybe we should just forget about all this for one night" I said which caused him to look at me.

"How do we do that?" He asked.

I smile at him and log onto my Netflix account "Criminal Minds?"

He smiled at me and nodded "That sounds great." and he sat on the bed.

When he looked at my screen he laughed "Your user name on Netflix is Wolverine?"

"Yeah this is really Stiles' account; he just made me a profile with the exception of him picking my name for it, and my favorite movie is Red Dawn. Yeah and his name is Batman and my uncle's is Superman." I said.

We sat there watching Criminal Minds all night long, with the occasional visit from Mama McCall to check up on me.

While we were watching the show he put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest.

As we sat there it finally hit me. I might just have a crush on Liam Dunbar.


Sorry this is just a short filler chapter

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