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they only meet at parties. she's always high, he's always looking for a quick fuck. hit it and quit it is what toji fushiguro's mindset has always been. she was a girl with a shitty father. she was used to men walking in and out of her life as they pleased.


the first time they met, it was obvious. her eyes were so bloodshot you could barely see the emerald green color they actually were. he immediately noticed, there was a small blonde that never left her side. but she wasn't the one that caught his eye.

he was never the type to not go after what he wanted. he saw the blonde leave with some guy whom he didn't recognize, and he took his chance.

"hey, i haven't seen you here before. i'm toji."

"huh? why are you talking to me? where did ev go?" the brunette said, clearly thinking a million things at once.

toji wasn't the best person in the world, like at all. but he knew he couldn't get what he wanted tonight. this girl was clearly greening out, way too high. he was curious about her reasoning for doing this to herself.

he honestly didn't care that much, he didn't even know her at all. but, he was attracted to her in an unusual way. he always appreciated a hot girl with a nice body, but it was already beyond that somehow. she seemed familiar, but he could sense the cursed energy surrounding her. maybe they came across each other somewhere in the past.

"hey, you're clearly not good. let me take you home."

"who even are you..?"

he ignored the girls questioning, and noticed a guy with pink hair walking up to them.

"hey, are you two trying to fuck? if so, make it quick, we're ready to leave and we need her to get evy or she'll end up in another country. those two are like, literally the same person so she's the only one who ever knows where she is. they've got some freaky ass connection."

toji was confused, but replied
"no, we're not fucking. i was going to take her home. she's beyond fucked up."

yuji didn't know who this guy was, but assumed kaylee knew him at least a bit, because she seemed comfortable and evy wouldn't have left her side if she didn't find the guy acceptable to be around her best friend.

"..alright. do you need her address? that's where we all meet at the end of the night."

"sure. just write it down."

he wrote it on an empty paper for rolling joints that kaylee had in her pocket. toji carried her to his car, and took her home."

when they got to her house, the door was unlocked, and he saw a on light upstairs. he brought her in, and set her on the couch.

the girl suddenly seemed to be aware of what was happening.

"how the fuck did we get back home? i couldn't have driven here." the girl spoke up, eying him up and down.

"you were fucked up, one of your friends came up to me and gave me your address because i told him i was taking you home. your friends are pretty trusting for sorcerers."

"are you a sorcerer too..? how do you know my friends?"

"let's not talk about it." toji said, knowing that his nickname was literally, "the sorcerer killer" and that probably wouldn't get him as far as he wanted with the girl.

"um. okay." she replied, obviously weirded out.

"well, I'll see you at the next party" the man told her, walking out of her house, 

just as soon as her friends arrived.

"KAYLEEEEEE" the blonde he saw earlier shrieked as soon as she stepped foot into the massive house. toji left.

"who the fuck was that?" kaylee's best friend, evyrli asked.

"i honestly have no clue. i was high and he dropped me off back here."

the two left it alone, and the rest of their group came in, exhausted after the long night


𝐄𝐗𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 - 𝙩. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now