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i wasn't intentionally trying to find him. but it's hard not to look for him at every party i go to now. what i didn't expect was to walk into the kitchen looking for geto and see him and toji finishing a conversation. toji didn't see me, but geto did. i walk up to him.

"hey, what was that about? you seem a bit shaken." i say to him, laughing awkwardly at the end.

"yeah, about that. i don't think we should continue whatever it is we have going on." geto said coldly.

"what? why? i told you i'm not seeing toji anymore, if you're still concerned about that." i reply. 

"it's not that i'm concerned about him, i'm concerned about you. and i hope you know that you can kill yourself if you keep living like this and i don't want to be there when you do."

"geto what the fuck is your issue? i'm living the same way you are i just smoke more than you do." I say confused, and a bit frustrated. 

"i hope you seek the help you need." he says, and leaves.

"what the fuck?" I say, completely blind sighted. 

i need to find Evy. i start walking through the house, trying to find her. where the fuck is she? when i find her, she can tell i'm upset.

"you wanna leave babe?" she says, i just nod.

evy drives home, we were only there for like 30 minutes, so she hadn't had much time to really drink much. gojo is in the backseat texting geto, asking where he is.

"Satoru, leave him alone." I say.

"what even happened? did you reject him or something?"

"how would i have rejected him, dude?" i ask. both him and evy go silent.

"he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend at the party? i thought that's why you were both walking around the party all upset." gojo says, confused.

"he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend?" i ask, now even more upset.

"yeah. he told us he was going to bring you to the roof with a whole little set up and everything. that's why i went off with sukuna.." she says

"lets be honest." I say, those two have been in such a weird situation. literal definition of situationship.

what evy didn't know, was that satoru gojo was in love with her. and everyone except her knew. I felt bad, but he should know better. our group has a rule, nobody falls in love. and I found out the hard way why that rule is so important. I wouldn't call what Suguru and I had love, yet, but I cared deeply about him. I thought he felt the same until I heard the words he said so easily that night. suddenly, I hear my phone vibrate with a text notification.


hey, you good?

I saw you left the party and you looked upset.

just checking in.

"who's texting you? geto?" evy asks, but before she can look at my phone, I turn it off. 

I would die for her, but she doesn't need to know that Toji Fushiguro just texted me after he ghosted me for almost 5 months.

"yeah, geto." I say. I'll text toji back later.

when we get home, it's still pretty early. only 12:30. I take out my phone, ready to text toji back.


yeah, I'm fine. don't worry about me. how've you been?


come outside, I'm picking you up.

fuck. evy will literally skin me if she finds out what I'm about to do, so I have to be quick. I quickly grab my phone and whatever else I may need, and sneak out the front door while evy and gojo are in the kitchen raiding the fridge and pantry.

"toji, are you stalking me?" I say, getting in his car.

"no, I heard what geto was saying about you and thought I should tell you."

"you couldn't just text me?" i say, not buying that he only came to my house at almost 1 in the morning to tell me what suguru had to say about me. probably telling people that i'm a drug addict.

"I miss you, kaylee. i'm so sorry about what happened last time I saw you. i got rid of Mika."

I shouldn't forgive him as quick as I do, but I can't resist him. how does he do this to me?

"let's just move on, i don't even remember what happened that night, i was high." a lie. she just wanted to stop talking about it. it had taken weeks for her to stop thinking about that night. right now she just wanted to be here with him. alone.

"wait, did you say geto was talking about me?"

"yeah. calling you a drug addict and a slut." toji lied. geto had went home right after he said those words to Kaylee.  he had felt like a terrible person, he knew he was going to try to make it up to her.

"wow." was all I could say. I didn't think geto could make me cry, but I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"hey, hey, hey. don't cry, kaylee. he isn't worth your tears. he's just mad he'll never have you like i do."

she knew toji was toxic, but in this moment he was her only comfort. the man she could've pictured a future with is now talking shit about her to everyone at a party. at least that's what toji told her. she had no idea this was all toji sabotaging her relationships to get to her.

"why would he do that to me, toji? i never did anything to him.." the girl cried

"i don't know baby, let's go to my house." he replied

they drove to tojis house, which was only a 10 minute drive. they went into the house, and he poured her a drink. right now, all she wanted to do was forget about the situation at hand, so she drank a bit too much. toji was right there with her, comforting her and drinking with her. the two were starting to get drunk. he didn't expect her to switch her emotions so fast, but he didn't mind much when she sat on his lap and started kissing him.

"someone missed me." he says, smirking.

"shut up." the girl replied, grinding on his lap.

things were starting to heat up, and he didn't care at all. she started to take her shirt off, and he followed her actions. when she was in nothing but her lingerie set that he couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing for suguru. the thought didn't last much longer because within 10 seconds she was getting on her knees and taking his pants off. she looked up at him smirking, and he swore he almost came right then and there. she took him in her mouth, and got to work. 

they were on round 5, when for the second time evy interrupted them. she was FaceTiming Kaylee, so there was no way she could lie about where she was.

"heyyy Evy.." Kaylee said, answering the call. she was currently riding toji, but evy couldn't see him.

"where the fuck are you. actually, let me rephrase that. why the fuck are you at Toji fucking Fushiguro's house Kaylee Ann Valentino."

"um, i'm not.." Kaylee responded

"after 10 years of friendship, you'd think you would figure out by now that you can't fucking lie to me, Kaylee. get your ass home before I come get you. also, I have your location, remember? it sends a notification when you leave our house."

"okay, okay, okay. I'm on my way home now."

"I know exactly how long it takes to get home from his house, so get up."

until we see each other again, toji.

𝐄𝐗𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 - 𝙩. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now