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kaylee woke up early, and got ready. she tried to convince herself she didn't want to look good for suguru, she wanted to look good for herself. she did her makeup, straightened her hair, she even put whitening strips on her teeth. just in case, of course. and lots of lip gloss, also just in case. evy walked in, hearing kaylee moving around in her room.

"kaylee. all of this for the guy who has literally seen you wearing his baggy sweatpants and a sports bra? I don't think he cares about how you look" she said, judging her for getting up early for someone they've known since the early stages of their lives.

"oh shut up. lets talk about why you're up right now, looking like you haven't slept at all. is sukuna in here again? i swear if you guys are as loud as last time, i might rip my ear drums out. last time i heard you yelling about how good his dick feels inside you and it made me want to jump off a bridge."

"im gonna pretend I didn't just hear that. have fun getting all dolled up for suguru." evy said, and then went downstairs.

a little while later, suguru texted her saying he was on his way to her place, and that he'd be there in about 15-20 minutes, which was odd. him and gojo only lived 15 minutes away from their house. she decided to ignore it, he probably had something he needed to do before heading over to her house, which was fine with her because she still had to pick out an outfit.

"evy!" she yelled for her friend, who was downstairs talking with gojo, who was already here.

kaylee felt bad, everyone except evy was aware of how in love with evy, gojo was. she had just had sukuna over, which he wasn't aware of.

i didn't linger on it for too long, though. if satoru was upset with evy seeing other people, he should just confess to Evy already and see how she really feels about him. the only thing Kaylee knew was that evy wanted to keep things platonic between them. evy never really elaborated much about her true feelings towards satoru. he didnt seem to mind, satoru doesnt mind being evys safe place, he would do anything she told him to do in a heartbeat.

kaylee lost her train of thought when suguru stepped through the front door. you couldn't keep your eyes off of him. you were still on the stairs, when he spoke.

"hey kaylee." he says, and my heart drops to my stomach.

"hi geto. wanna go have our talk in my room?" i say, never taking my eyes off him.

"sure, let's go." he says, and follows me upstairs.

"so, what did you want to talk about?" i say, as we walk in my room.

"just, everything. i hope you know i loved you. and i still care about you." geto says, taking you off guard.

though, you couldn't help but think of the way he used the word. "loved"? so, he didn't anymore?

"ah. i care about you too, suguru. i always will."

"kaylee, i need to know that you know i would've never said those things to you if i wasn't under the influence, and if i knew i was being lied to." he says, looking the girl directly in her eyes, so she knew how genuine his words really were.

"i know, geto. i know." she said, looking at him the same way, so he knew she believed him.

he sighed in relief, before taking the girl into his arms. the two were both glad they at least got their friend back. though, they both knew that both of them wouldn't be content as, "just friends"

i'll try my best to forget you, stranger.

𝐄𝐗𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 - 𝙩. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now