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she knew she shouldn't get used to him, but she has attachment issues. they've hooked up 4 times since that first party. it wasn't even just the sex, they seemed like they genuinely had some type of connection.

but, nothing good ever lasts for kaylee. she was at a party, and she noticed he wasn't there yet. he told her he'd be there at one, and it was almost three. then she saw him

he walked in, with some random girl all over him. with hickeys on his neck. they were light, and kaylee knew they weren't from her, if they were, they'd be purple.

evy noticed the look on her face, and then looked to toji.

"oh fuck him."

the girls were both mad. toji never mentioned being exclusive, Kaylee knew they were just fuck buddies. but he also never mentioned fucking other people. she was pissed.

as soon as the bitch he was with left, i went right up to him.

"toji what the fuck?"

"what.." he said, all nonchalant.

"who the fuck is this?" I responded, starting to get a little more angry since he's deciding to play dumb.

"my girlfriend?" he says, acting like there's nothing going on and i'm just some stranger.

"is there a problem here?" his "girlfriend" asks.

"yeah, there fucking is." I say, looking her up and down.

evy joins me, "ew, who the fuck are you?" she says to toji's girlfriend.

"excuse me?" the girlfriend says

"calm down, Mika." toji says

then, mine and evys other friends, gojo and geto walk up behind us, literally towering over us.

"you guys good? Kaylee isn't this your little fuck buddy, toji?" Geto says, looking at Toji.

"what the fuck?" Mika says and gets in my face. this bitch.

"you're the little whore that keeps texting my boyfriend?" Mika says, taking her earrings out.

toji just stands there, not paying any attention.

"who the fuck do you think you are, getting in my fucking face cunt?"

Gojo laughs, and geto steps between us.

"someone put this bitch in her fucking place." evy says, giving her a nasty look

"who the fuck do you think you are, slut?" mika retorts.

"oh hell no." i respond, and slap the shit out of her.

she starts fighting me, and then i roll up my sleeve to activate my curse, but geto pulls me off her and we walk away from them. when i walk past toji, he just smirks at me.


geto takes me back to his apartment, and i start crying.

"kaylee, he isn't worth this reaction. he wants you to be upset."

"i can't help it, geto. i actually liked him." i say, sobbing. geto comforts me the best he can. eventually, i fall asleep, but wake up shortly after when gojo and evy show up and we just decide to order ramen and watch movies the rest of the night.

𝐄𝐗𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 - 𝙩. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now