New job. (M+A)

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{ special imagine about me and my girlfriend } "Excuse me" I mumbled and the chef looked at me. "Who are you?" He replied grumpy and looked really mad. "U-urm.. Maaike and I wanna work here" I said with a temper and took a step forward. "Jezus George, leave her alone and let me do it" A girl said sweetly. "Hi love, I'm Ashley and way cooler than that dumbass over there" she said and pointed to George. "Oh ahah hi there" I said and shook her hand. "Let's go to my office" she suggested and lead we the way. She was so nice to me and damn.. Really hot. My inner tiger woke up and I just wanted to bemd her over that table and fuck her right there. I'm not a pussy with that. I always get what I want. We walked into this office and she told me to take a seat. "So, tell me something exciting about yourself. We have enough boring people here" she laughed ans I did too. "Kay, I'm 24 years old and I live in New York. When I was younger I played in a band as lead singer, so I had this wild nights ya know?" I chuckled and she giggled a bit. "Wild nights huh?" she smirked and sat down next to me. "Yeah like sex, drugs and rock 'n roll" I whispered in her ear and she turned red. "I'm just kidding babe. I'm brave as fuck, kinda a closed book and I have a strong growing heart." She was pretty impressed. I could tell. "Been through a lot?" She asked and I nodded yes. "Anyways" I moaned a bit and came closer. "Let's do fun things instead of the talking." She smiled and smashed her lips on mine. We touched, kissed, sucked, licked and pumped.. Hehe.. After almost two hours we dressed up. "Not that boring after all huh?" I said. She kissed my lips again. "Kinda rebel. Sex with your new boss, hmm pretty bad ass. Congratulations with the job. Make me horn.. Proud hehe. Proud" She winked and walked off. Holy jesus.

Every imagine about me and my girlfriend will have a (M+A) sign behind it. <3

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