Boxing - part 2

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{ WARNING: This content is for ages 18+ or if you have a dirty mind like me ;) enjoy! }

She just kissed me. I Liked it a lot I mean look at her. She is amazingly good looking and her lips are soft as cotton. Her ass looks big and juicy. So as her boobs. Wait. I can't think about her like that, I just met her and maybe it was just a friendly kiss. Or can I think about her that way? Anyhow she looks like a total bad ass. So If I do or say something wrong she will totally kick my ass. She seems like a type that would totally take the lead in a relationship.

"Okay, Demi." I said while looking at her. She smiled at me. I was still thinking about that kiss till she pulled me with her to the dressing room. "you are coming with me." She said while we stood in the dressing room. " Uh, what do you mean." Demi closed in on me. I walked backwards till I reached the wall. "As I said, You are coming with me." She said and locked me against the wall with her hands next to my body so I couldn't go anywhere. It was hot. "Okay, but I barely know you. Can't we grab something to drink first to get to know each other better." I said while I swallow. She pressed her body against mine so I stand even closer to the wall. "I have a better way of getting to know each other." She whispers in my ear and placed her lips against my ear and left a kiss. I Lick my lips.

"Okay, I'll follow your lead." I said shivering. "Good girl." She said and took me with her in her car. "Where are we going." I ask while looking out of the window. " To my house." Demi said smirking. "Are we going to watch a movie?" I asked. I know the answer was no, but I honestly just wanted to hear her talk. It really turned me on how she talked to me. "Something like that." She said and slowly rubbed my leg while she was driving. I Shivered.  "I- I really want to know w-what we are going to do at your house. I-I am just curious." I said mumbling. Demi stopped her car on the side of a street. She turned over to me and kissed me hard. She Slowly un-Buckled herself and got on top of my lap. She kissed my neck up and down while leaving marks. A moan escaped my mouth. Her hand slipped into my sports leggings and rubbed my area. Another moan escaped my mouth. She entered one finger inside of me and pumped in and out. "Oh gosh." I moan. Demi got her hand out of my pants and licked her finger clean and kissed me one last time till she got back in her seat and started the car like nothing happened. "any other questions Y/N." She said smirking licking her lips. I shook my head and froze. what the fuck just happened.

When we arrived at Demi's house she leaded me out of the car. She opened the door and let me in. She had a really nice and big house. "Wow, Your house is-" Before I could finish Demi pressed her lips against mine. "Follow me." she said and leaded me to a jacuzzi. It was all ready and set. She stripped down to her sports bra and panties and went in. "I don't know if that's a good id-" "Come in." She demanded. I stripped down to my bra and panties too and got in. I saw Demi staring at me and licking her lips. She got on top of my lap again and attacked my lips. Her tongue danced around mine while moans escaped our mouths. She was grinding against me while heating the kiss. "Touch me." Demi said. I rubbed her hips and stroke her face. She pulled my hair back. "Touch me!" She demanded. I reached for her boobs and squeezed them. She let out small moans. She slips her fingers inside of me without me even noticing. It went so easy that I only felt a shock when she pushed them inside of me. I moaned loud. "Fuck!" i yelled. "Yell my name baby." She said and pulled my hair back with her other hand. "Demi,DEMI! AH!" She went faster and deeper for a harder scream. "I need to cum!" I yelled. "Don't" She said and went faster. "DEMI! I-I need-" The pressure build up inside of me. 

Demi Told me to get out of the bath and go to her room. fast. "Don't you dare cum." She said walked to her room. She pushed me onto her bed and went inside of me again. The pressure got bigger and bigger. "DEMI! AH! I-I" I yelled. I came a little. She turned me around and laid me on my stomach with my ass in the air. She spanked it hard. "I told you not to cum yet." She said with a smirk. You let out a moan of pleasure. She spanked again. "AH! Demi, Harder!" so she did. I moan of pleasure and pain. Still not removing her fingers Demi spanked me one last time. I Let out a big moan. 

She pumped me harder and deeper. 'AH! I REALLY N-NEED TO C-CUM" I yelled and felt the pressure getting to big. "Cum." Demi demanded and so I did. I squirted all over her hand. She moaned by seeing all of my juices. She licked them up and attacked my pussy next. She entered her tongue inside of me and licked me clean I moaned louder and louder. She smirked and wanted to attack my lips again. Before she could do that I rolled her over and now I was on top. I Wanted to slip my hand into Demi her pants, but I had  no chance. She held me in a grip and flipped me over so she was on top again. "Again, Don't try that with me sweetheart." She whispers. "I am the boss." She said. "You are mine now."

{ I hope you liked this turn of the story haha! Let me know what you want to see next! love you!  if you want more of this please let me know, because I'm not sure if its good. <3 }

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