Meeting before the meeting.

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you are going to the demi world tour. You are going to meet her and you're going to the concert. Before the concert you're going to the Starbucks to drink something. You order your coffee and wait till someone tells you that it is ready. "Demi?" The women says. You turned around and saw demi lovato. "Oh my gosh." You said. "Hey beautiful." Demi said. "Hey omg! I'm going to your concert today!" You shouted. "Aw that's so cool!" Demi said. "You're so beautiful." You said. "Aw thanks." Demi said. "Y/n?" The woman said. You grab your coffee. "Y/n" that's a beautiful name. " demi said. "thank you!" You said. "I need to go but i Hope you can stay after the concert? We'll make some fun okay?" Demi said smirking. "Okay." You said blushing. Demi gave you a hug and left. You saw the concert. It was AMAZING. you couldn't believe that demi lovato just talked to you. You was about to meet her at the meet and greet but, you're so nervous. Finally its your turn. You heard Demi's voice from a distance. " Hey! Y/n." Demi said. "You remember my name?" You asked. "Yes! Why wouldn't I? You're so gorgeous." Demi said while comming closer. You blushed. "Thank you." You said. Should we go backstage? I wanna show you something." Demi said and grabbed my arm. "Look this is my dressroom." Demi said and let go of your hand. "This is amazing." You said. "Do you know what's more amazing?" Demi said and came closer. "No." You said smirking. She grabbed your hand a pulled you closer. "You." She said. You blushed and hide your face in her neck. "I can't believe this is happening right now." You whispered. "Oh this is happening." Demi said and filled the gab between you guys. "I didn't know you where bi?" You said blushing. "I'm not." Demi said. "But.. You.. Uh.." You said. "I'm 100% lesbian." Demi said smirking and pecked your neck. You let out a small moan. "Good." You said. "Good." Demi said and wrapped her arms around your waist. You bit your lip. Demi smirked and pushed you against the wall. "You're mine now." She whispered in your ear. You smirked. Demi cupped your face and pecked your lips. You smiled. You leaned in and kissed her. "Hmm.. Baby kiss me hard." Demi asked. "My pleasure." You said and kissed her hard. Demi moaned. Demi lowered her kiss and got to your neck. "Hmm demi.." demi pushed you on the ground and took a seat on top of you. She grabbed your arms and puched them to the ground. You couldn't do anything. You smirked. Demi pecked your lips and sucked on you bottom lip. Demi grinds on you. "Hmm demetria." You said. You pecked her lips. Demi kicked her shoes off. She stood up and helped you up. She smirked and turned around. She pulled off her crop top and dropped it slowly. you bit your lip. Demi turned around and you saw her bra. Her boobs looked great. You couldn't resist it and pulled demi in a long kiss. Your hand slowly grabbed demi's boob. Demi moaned. " you sound like an angel everytime you moan." You said and sucked on her boob. "Ahh y/n!" Demi yelled and moaned again.

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