The sexy sport teacher. #1

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~ Y/N POV ~

It was a warm day today. You walked around in your shorts and had this idea in your head. You wanted to go boxing. Just as a exercise. It looked like a lot of fun and it was a good way to lose some weight and have some self defense. 

So you walked upstairs grabbed a sports legging and a tank top. You putted everything in your bag with also a bottle of water and took off.

When you had found the Boxing area in the biggest gym in your town you stood still for a moment. You can't even box.. What if there's this guy who wants to help you.. oh no, no no. NO Sweating guys in my personal bubble.. Or everyone there is going to laugh at you because you suck.. SHIT y/n why didn't you thought this through, you.. You got snapped out of your thoughts by a pair of girls walking in. " Yes, Hi! urm We never boxed before But, We really want to learn it. Is it maybe possible to have a personal trainer?" One of the girls asked. "Yes of course! There are a few personal trainers available. Would you like to start right away? Because Mister Evens is standing over there to give you girls a training if you'd like." The woman behind the counter said. " Yes! thank you so much! have a nice day!" the girls said and took of to the trainer.

You walked up to the woman behind the counter and smiled. " Hi! urm I had the same question actually. " You said giggling trying to make this not any more awkward. " aha, so you'd like to have a personal trainer as well? " the nice lady asked. " Yes please, if it's possible of course." you said smiling. " Of course my dear, If you walk that way and go right, there will miss Lovato be and  she will be your trainer." She said. " Thank you!" I said and went to the direction she suggested me.

You walked to this lady that looked like she was 30 years old. She had black long hair and whipped her face in a towel. "excuse me? ma'am are you miss Lovato?" She turned around to face you. " No, No I'm not sorry." She said smiling and walked away. Shit I always have bad luck.. " Hello? Where you looking for me?" a beautiful voice asked. I turned around and saw this beautiful lady in front of me she looked like she was something in the twenty. She had short black hair and she and on this tight sports legging with a sports bra and a pair of sketchers underneath. Damn was that woman beautiful. ( Photo of her outfit above the imagine)

 " A-Are you miss Lovato? " You asked. " Call me Demi." She said smiling. You nodded and walked up to her. She gave you a hand shake. " and you are? " She asked. " OH! sorry! I'm Y/n." You said. " Alright Y/n lets start right away! Go to the pass room and change into your sports wear and come back at this corner of the gym okay? I'll grab some boxing gloves for you." She said with a little wink and walked away.

You did what she asked and you where now on your way to the corner of the gym again. " There you are! Here put these on and lets see what you got." she said while she threw the gloves at you. You putted them on and struggled with it. "here let me help you, these things are a little tricky." she said and helped you. "Thanks!" You said and walked over the a boxing ball. " Let me show you how this works alright? Stand back a little." she said smiling and punched the ball real hard. She showed a few moves and all the sudden it looked That she was in slow motion. You know in those fighting movies? That. But, then in real life. " Now, Punch this." She said when she was done. You did. " Again." She said. So you did. " You have a lot of power Y/N but, now you need to use the good moves.." She stood behind you and placed both of her hands on your wrist. She helped you doing the moves. Damn..

After a few hours of training you both where sweating. You learned Quickly so you where already pretty good with some moves. " Lets see what you got, common." She said with fire in her eyes of motivation. You punched and kicked and did everything she learned you. "  Nice work y/n " She said an gave you a high five. " Want to train with me now?" She asked. " Bring it." You simply said with a smirk showing no mercy although you where pretty tired. You two trained and trained. You even got to fight Demi but, you where not really ready for that because in no time you laid on the ground. " Good try Y/n" She said laughing while helping you up. " With a weekly training you may get better then me." She said and gave you a playfully punch. " Amazing, Can I try again? " You asked. She nodded with a smirk and winked at you " Bring it." 

You ended up on the flour again. Demi wanted to help you up but, you tackled her and now you where on top of her. " Wow, Y/n a surprise attack. Nice." She said smirking. You had pinned her hands on the flour and smiled. " Thanks! I learned from the best you know." You said smiling. Demi smiled too. " You're hot when you're training, It makes you look very fierce." Demi said and winked while still being pinned to the ground. You blushed " Thanks.." You slowly leaned in and closed your eyes but before you could finish, Demi escaped from your grip and laid now on top of you. " Never let someone distract you in a fight. Then you're weak and not focused on your target. " Demi said smirking. " Shit! I thought I won." You said laughing and blushing at the same time. Demi giggled. She leaned in and kissed you. " You did." She said and winked. wow..

The end..

Want a part 2? comment below or should I continue and make a other one? Let me know <3

Demi Lovato Lesbian ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now