Eternal Embrace

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"You're the reason I believe in happily ever after."


Word Count: 1582

In the heart of the bustling college campus, where the autumn breeze carried whispers of change, Lisa found herself captivated by the enigma that was Taehyung. He was the embodiment of mystery and allure, the college's resident cold heartthrob who seemed impervious to the charms of others. Lisa, on the other hand, was a burst of sunshine, her bubbly personality infectious to everyone she encountered.

Lisa and Taehyung had crossed paths numerous times. He, with his stoic demeanor, would often catch glimpses of Lisa's radiant smile as she enthusiastically engaged with friends and classmates. However, the walls he built around himself seemed impenetrable, leaving Lisa with a silent crush that she dared not speak aloud.

Their world revolved around two constants—Jin and Jisoo. Jin, Taehyung's best friend, was charismatic and charming, while Jisoo, Lisa's confidante, possessed a quiet strength that complemented Lisa's vivacity. Little did Lisa know that these two would become the architects of her love story, setting the stage for a romantic journey that would redefine their college experience.

It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and the quad buzzed with the energy of students preparing for midterms. Lisa, notebook in hand, decided it was time to approach the chilly heartthrob. With Jisoo by her side, she gathered the courage to strike up a conversation.

"Lisa, you've got this!" Jisoo encouraged, giving her a supportive smile.

Taking a deep breath, Lisa walked up to Taehyung, who was engrossed in a book under a tree. "Hey, Taehyung! Mind if I join you?"

Taehyung looked up, surprised by the intrusion. His piercing gaze met Lisa's warm eyes, and for a moment, the chill in his demeanor seemed to thaw. "Sure, Lisa. What's up?"

As Lisa settled beside him, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. "I was just wondering if you'd like to join us for coffee later. Our treat!"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected invitation. "Coffee, huh? Why not? It's a welcome change from my usual solitude."

Lisa beamed, thrilled at the small victory. Little did she know that this coffee date would be the beginning of a connection that would unravel the layers of Taehyung's reserved heart.

At the local café, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of lively conversations, Lisa, Taehyung, Jisoo, and Jin gathered around a cozy table. The atmosphere was light, and laughter flowed effortlessly, breaking down the barriers that had kept Taehyung at a distance.

"So, Taehyung, what's your take on love?" Jin asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.

Taehyung leaned back, feigning nonchalance. "Love? It's overrated. I prefer to keep things simple."

Jisoo chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Lisa. "You say that now, but sometimes love finds you when you least expect it."

The conversation veered toward various topics, and Lisa found herself immersed in the banter, her laughter becoming a sweet melody that resonated with Taehyung. For the first time, he found himself opening up, sharing glimpses of his true self with the group.

Days turned into weeks, and the quartet became inseparable. Lisa's infectious energy had a transformative effect on Taehyung, thawing the icy facade that had earned him the title of the college's cold heartthrob. As they navigated through classes, exams, and late-night study sessions, a deep friendship blossomed—one that hinted at the possibility of something more.

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