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Gymnast Madelyn Francis-Clark has broken her wrist during a recent training exercise leaving her unable to continue any form of practise for the next twelve weeks... CLICK TO READ MORE.
- The Daily Mail

Madelyn Francis-Clark
Bahrain 🇧🇭

I walk through the paddock ignoring the cameras that follow me all the way to the Red bull garage, secretly loving the attention though. After my unfortunate turn of events ( my stupid broken wrist ) Max invited me to tag along with the RedBull team until my wrist was fully healed giving me something to do. Three years ago after becoming bored of retirement my dad became team principle of Red Bull Racing who have won the constructors championship three years in a row with Max becoming a three time world champion.

Me and Max became close friends because of this but no matter how close we were I could never bring myself to come and watch a race. They just seemed so boring watching cars go round and round and round and then again, yeah no thank you. However I've got nothing better to now since my stupid wrist and it will create some good Instagram posts I guess.

"Madelyn!" Max greets me with a smile as he waits at the entrance of the garage for where he gave me a friendly hug, "How are you?"

"Is that a serious question?" I responded as I push my sunglasses up onto my head as we walked through the garage.

"I meant more have you stopped crying." He laughs to himself.

"Max I broke my wrist." I stopped walking to frown up at him, "How would you feel if you broke your legs, hmm? and couldn't drive your racing car?"

"I would be pissed but I wouldn't stay in bed for three consistent days crying like it is the end of the world."

"It is the end." I responded, "For twelve weeks."

"The best twelve weeks of your life following us around!" He cheered, knowing my views on his professional Mario karting career.

"Yay." I say dryly with a straight face and look at the two cars either side of us, "which one is yours then?"

"That one." He points at the car on my left as he pulls up his racing suit.

"It's kinda ugly." I say as I stare down at the dark long car surrounded by people, as Max just shakes his head laughing at me.

"Do you think you could make a better one?" He humours me as someone hands him his helmet.

"Yeah, easily." I smile at him.

"Max you ready?" Someone asks him as people start to clear from the car with testing starts in five minuets.

"Good luck Maxy." I smile at him as I give him another hug, "your gonna need it."

Qualifying ended with Max coming first, because I wished him luck obviously, a really good looking Ferrari driver second and a Mercedes guy third. I don't know there names and don't bother too I'm not going to be here for that long so no point getting comfortable. I waited down in the garage for Max so when he'd get out his car he can speak to me because I know no one and don't want to be stood on my own cause that's awkward and embarrassing.

"Maddie!" Max came over to me as he got out his car making me smile since I was no longer on my own. "How did you find it?"

"Do you want my honest answer or what I'm planning on telling news outlets?" I ask finding the race or qualifying or testing whatever it was really boring, "Actually no I need to practice how's this? I found it so exciting I was so invested the whole time and can't wait to watch my first race."

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