292 13 1

Madelyn Francis-Clark
Japan 🇯🇵

"You packed?" Max asked.

I raise my head from the thick pillow it had immersed into as I thought about his question. After he picked me up for my interrogation I followed him into his room trying to distract myself from last night. "When are we leaving?" I reciprocate.

"Tomorrow evening."

"Oh, I've got time." I waft him away, sinking back into the pillow which felt as thought it was made of clouds.

"We're not staying here tonight." Max added making my head shoot back up again, knowing I am no where near ready to leave this hotel.

"Sorry?" I say, resting on my elbows as I now faced him, knowing I have not indeed packed and my room is mayhem. "And why is that?"

"Lando," My eyes couldn't help themselves but roll at his name, muscle memory. "All the drivers would have left by now. But I said I would stay with him and fly with him tomorrow."

"What about me?" I say in shock as I raise hands slightly in the air.

"You'll be helping as well because of the kind, compassionate person you are." He added with a vast smile as he spoke.

"True." I nod, "But to people who deserve my kindness."

Max laughed as he wheeled his suit case over to the door. "Give Lando a chance Mads. Who knows this extra day could be a real bonding experience for the pair or you."

I ignored the redbull driver as I hopped off his bed and over to my room to pack my mess away. Thankfully it didn't take too long and by the time I was finished Max was knocking on my door to inform me it's time to go. But the reason it took this short was I didn't technically pack. I didn't have the time to sort through and fold so I just crammed everything in and silently prayed it would close and not burst open.

"Where are we going?" I ask stepping into the passenger side of his lavish car whilst he traveled round to the back to put our luggage in the boot.

"To pick up Lando." He responds, walking to the drivers seat ignoring the look I gave him. "I can drop you off at our room before hand?"

"No." I shook my head at Max who was now sitting next to me, ready to hear Lando thank me for not ending his career. "Wait. What do you mean our room?"

"Huh?" Max said, staring out his back window as he reversed the car out of its spot. "I didn't say that."

"You literally did." I corrected him as we sped out the underground car park.

"Did I?" He asked, looking across at me at he drove.

"Yes you did." I look away, pulling my visor down to see my reflection as I applied a thick layer of gloss to my lips, "And you know you did."

"How did your interview go?"

"Interrogation." I corrected him, flipping the mirror up. "Terrifying. I felt like I was gonna get shot if they didn't like my answer."

"A little dramatic." He politely poked at me.

"Can't help how I feel." I shrug as he pulled into a hospital and searched for a spot to park.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Max said as I waved him goodbye.

I watched him leave into the building before I started rummaging around looking for the aux wire. To my delight I found a long black wire which I plugged into my phone hoping it was what I needed. I opened up Spotify and began playing my music making me smile as it started playing through the cars speakers, he never lets anyone else play their music so I'll take what I can get. I turn the dial up and I start bopping my head to the music my eyes staying on the door waiting for their return.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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