567 9 0

Madelyn Francis-Clark

My eyes slowly open as a result of the blinding light breaking though my thin curtains. I roll over face first into the pillow to try block out all forms of sunlight and stayed there until I couldn't bare the feeling of my squished up nose anymore. I went to wash my face and brush my teeth then went back to my bed and jumped back onto it. We were flying to Japan today which was exciting but thankfully no until later in the afternoon so I was not in any rush. After melting back into bed I turn my phone on and my stomach falls to my feet. 

I see tons of messages from Cass and before even reading them my mind is working over time to try and predict was she was going to say, then I freeze when I see his name. I immediately open Twitter to see if what she said was true and unfortunately it was. I check my notifications and see it filled with Lando Norris' fan accounts tagging me in posts asking why he's following my instagram, if anything is happening and why i'm not following him.  I open my Instagram and go on my following my heart settling when not seeing his name on top of the list. Before celebrating too early I search up his name and see it there his profile staring at me. Without realising I chuck my phone across the bed, a little too hard as it fell to the floor, and sat there as an awkward fuzz filled my body.

There was a knock on my door breaking me out from my odd feeling and cautiously made my way over to the it slowly pulling it open. I peaked through the crack to see a familiar red bull driver who sent me a weird look through the gap, probably questioning why I was on high alert and why my phone was on the floor. "Morning." He beams looking way more awake the me, "How are you this morning."

"I'm fine." I squeak, my voice going an octave higher making him continue to give me this odd look. "I haven't been awake long." I say trying to save myself from any sort of suspicion. 

"We're going for breakfast in ten minuets if you wanna join?"

"Uh," I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear trying to compose myself, "Who's gonna be there?"

"Like all the drivers-"

"Like or all?" I cut him off needing to know.

"Probably all, I don't know."

"Max what do you know?" I groan, "Im sorry, I still haven't woken up properly. But yeah I suppose I can come."

"Meet you down there?" He asked smiling at my heavy eyes.

"Yeahh." I drag out, expecting us to walk down together. 

I got changed into a short body suit and threw my hair into a lose pony tail. I walked down on my own every second ready to cancel and get back into bed but I've bailed too much this pass two weeks and decided to force myself to go. When I walked into the grand room full of large circular tables I felt everyones eyes land on me and instead of hiding from it I soaked up the attention, smiling at everyone in the room. I sat next to Max who was happy to see me. I scanned the table and saw there was a couple drivers missing including Lando feeling like a heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders. 

We waited for a couple of minuets before going up to the buffet to let the other drivers come. I sat the with my leg bouncing up and down as we waited my heart stopping every time I heard the double doors open. Thankfully by the time Daniel had said he wasn't waiting anymore Lando still wasn't here. And to my delight the others agreed with him, too hungry to wait any longer. 

We all went over to the buffet that made my mouth water as I looked down at all the perfect looking food. I wasn't that hungry though which made me upset with the how much good food there was. I took a plate a filled it up with French style pastries and different types of berries. I was the first one to sit back down as everyone was piling up there plates I took a sip of my cold water as I felt someone sit down next to me.

I try to look without turning my head and see a slumped over body hidden away in a black hoodie. I try to ignore him by drinking my water. How do I act around him now? He hates me and I hate him, so why does he follow me? I didn't follow him back but should I? Do I now look like a bitch, more of one anyway... But the internet is going crazy with him simply following me theres no way I could follow him back? Right?

I'm snapped from obsessively over thinking by a small thump to my left where I see the jug of water being placed there. I carefully look over to see Lando ignoring my existence and the fact he just placed the jug down. Still not making it obvious I'm looking I draw my brows together confused why he did that but chose to ignore it like he did. My eye flick down in front of me to see the glass that I was drinking from still lingering at my lips empty. How long has it been empty? So I placed the glass down on the table ignoring the cloudy rim I had left from my mouth. 

"Thanks." I mumbled out, maybe a bit late but I felt like I should try to be nice back.

I relaxed back in my chair a little when the rest of the group started to come back to the table conversing with each other fizzling out the awkward silence. I spoke to Max a little trying to ignore the driver to my left but It wasn't working as all I could hear was him complaining to the others, hungover was deffiently an understatement. After finishing a croissant I needed a drink so I grabbed the handle of the jug. But just as I went too pick it up I felt a hand rap its self around mine. The few milliseconds it was there felt so calming as the warmth from it seeped into my skin like it was wrapped up in a hot blanket. I look at the tanned hand which covered my own realising who's it belonged to and pulled it away immediately the same time as Lando, he must have noticed the same time as me. 

I look up and Lando for the first time today and notice the dark circles under his eyes probably as I result of last night along with the very present smell of vodka that lingered on his body. I looked back at the jug and push it over his way slightly. "Im sorry." I awkwardly smile, "You have it."

"Nah it's cool." He mumbles sliding to back to me, "You can go."

Not wanting to drag this out further I thanked him before filling up my glass and pushing the jug over to him this time without any contact. I tried to ignore what just happened but I couldn't stop feeling his hand on top of mine. It was a lot softer than what I had expected it to be with him having to work out daily and grip steering wheels as hard as he would. Do they where wear gloves? 

It had been a while since we acknowledged each other with us speaking to others but the awkwardness was still there and I couldn't ignore it it was really starting to get on my nerves. I had finished my food along with everyone else but everyone stayed chatting with each other. But then I felt a thigh brush up my leg for a split second and that was my final straw.

"Max." I say, tapping his shoulder until looked over at me. "Im gonna go I don't feel very well."

"Do you want me to walk you back?" He asked making my heart melt. 

"No, I'll be fine." I smile as I stand up, "Thanks though." 

I make it up to my room without seeing anyone and feel much calmer once shutting the door. Now alone I don't have to sit awkwardly not knowing how to behave, it's tiring. Unfortunately just as I somewhat forgotten the tension from breakfast there was a knock on the door, making the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I stand for a couple of seconds not knowing what to do before running over to the door wondering if I've left it too late. I open the door nearly all the way shocked when I didn't see the red bull driver standing in front of me like earlier. Instead I saw Lando who leant against my door frame not being able to hold himself up.

"What do you want." I say, but regretting it as it sounded like there was attitude. 

He doesn't respond just stares at me as he extended his hand revealing my phone in it.

"Oh my God, Thank you." I say full of surprise for two reasons, the first being I didn't even realise I had left my phone down stairs and the second is Lando being the one to return it. 

Lando mumbled something incoherent in response casuing a small laugh to slip from my mouth.  This made him look back up at me sending a cold look. "Fun night last night?" I say in response trying to explain myself. 

"Yeah." He yawned out before walking away.

I slowly turn away and close the door stunned at this man's mixed signals. Are there even signals?

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