Recap: Ramona Roxie and Manojmeeta indirectly caused the deaths of 89,272 plus 57,634 injured polish Citizens and the destruction of the city of Gdańsk and used Matthew to destroy it with only one thing they have on there mind they head to Kurdistan to fight Ramonas big bad ex Hawre Baran
Ramona: Ok we will be heading to Kurdistan and find Hawre Baran
Roxie: What do you know about him what's the deal with him
Roxie: We have a interesting history
Lucas: That's not very helpful you have a interesting history with 11 other people
Roxie: Is he a fighter a coward
Ramona: He is exceptionally smart but not in the standard way he can see through you and can mentally pick you apart he's indirect but heavily believes in his causes but he's extremely dangerous and not a fool
Manojmeeta: Ya hes a friend and hopefully we can reason with him he isn't evil or hd hearted he just wants to protect his people and settle the world's issues
Roxie: At this point he probably sees us as a threat to that
Ramona: Ya we are recently wanted terrist
Manojmeeta: Hey Ramona can we talk
Ramona: Sure
*They walk to another room*
Manojmeeta: I'm worried for you
Ramona: Why
Manojmeeta: One of his largest campaigns was the war on terror in the middle east and because of this incident he might kill you on site
Ramona: I understand the risk
Manojmeeta: I will help just consider a use of something
Ramona: What
Manojmeeta: *pulls out two disk* these they can change a person's form
Ramona: To settle your nerves sure
Manojmeeta: I care a lot about you
Ramona: I know I do too
Manojmeeta: I just really don't want to loose you you just came back into my life and you have Roxie that worries about you a lot
Ramona: I know after his I'll be settling down with her to live a normal life
Manojmeeta: That sounds nice, but I need to warn you Hawre is not a ordinary man he broke the Turkish power made examples of any countries who oppressed his people and made a new order in the middle east his plans aren't straight forward and if you want to defeat him we need to not look close at his actions but take a step back and look at the larger image only then we have a shot
Ramona: I know I'm also afraid of facing him off especially with our past
Manojmeeta: Don't worry Wild hair I got your back no matter what
Ramona: I still can't believe you remember that old name it's been years
Manojmeeta: I have a damn good memory
Ramona: Sure sure sure you do let's get back to the cock pit or Roxy will be worried I'm cheating on her
Manojmeeta: Understood Ramona Flowers
*They walk back into the main cock pit*
Young Neil: Hey
Ramona: Oh I completely forgot about you
Young Neil: I know
Roxie: Same but he just came out of a room
Manojmeeta: Odd well hi
Young Neil: Hi
Ship ai: We have entered Kurdish air territory
Lucas: We got company
Ramona: What do you mean by that
Lucas: 5 Kurdish fighters
Ramona: Roxie Manojmeeta man the guns
Roxie: Got it
Manojmeeta: On it
*Pov from the fighters*
Captain Eylo: Follow the orders don't destroy the air crafts engines and not it it's self
Kurdish fighter 1,2,3,4: Yes sir
*The flights aimed at the engines and hit the in-between area Manojmeeta took out fighter 2 Wich crashed into fighter 3*
Captain Eylo: Redirect fire at those guns now
*Fights 1,4 looked for the guns but Roxie got that sent the two planes crashing into each other*
Manojmeeta: I got two of them
Roxie: Same
Captain Eylo: I will handle this myself then
*Captain Eylo engages the air craft directly taking down both guns but Roxie and Manojmeeta escaped the cock pits before being destroyed but Captain Eylo got a call from Hawre*
Hawre: What's the status of the ship
Captain Eylo: Disarmed and damaged and looks likes its going to make a emergency landing
Hawre: Disengage we will send a task force to capture the crew
Captain Eylo: But Sir there terrist we need them dead
Hawre: Captain we need them alive and that's a order
Captain Eylo: Yes sir understood *disengages the air craft and back to the main crew pov*
*Ramona facing death remembers Hawre and there back story*
*Ramona was on a vacation in Turkey and bumps a unique character*
Ramona: *accidentally bumps into Hawre* I am sorry
Hawre: It's fine really you didn't mean to
Ramona: Are you ok
Hawre: Yes I am just fine how are you
Ramona: I'm doing good thanks for asking do you want to sit and chat
Hawre: Sure I have nothing to do for a couple of hours
Ramona: Ok, this is a interesting land
Hawre: It is a land of oppression of my people
Ramona: What do you mean
Hawre: The Kurdish people have been apressed by the Turks and the Turkish government and they call freedom fighters outside their borders terrist but there government uses terror on the world stage ifs full of hypocrisy lies conquers that killed millions and a country that is lucky that's it's important because of its navel location
Ramona: That's a interesting view on it but I can't say I agree
Hawre: How you feel about Turkey and the Turkish government is your business not mine
Ramona: Interesting do you want to be my boyfriend
Hawre: No we just meet, why would we date
Ramona: Sorry
Hawre: It's fine really let's get to know each other first
Ramona: That's seems like a good idea
*End of flashback*
*the ship crashes into the desert and they get out of the air craft*
Ramona: I'm alive
Roxy: Same
Manojmeeta: I haven't kicked the bucket yet
Young Neil: Im not dead
Knives: I'm still here
Lucas: I survived the crash I should right a book about it and make a serious about actually tragedies and become rich again, not im joking
Ramona: The ship is fine the engines have been damage but it's fixable and the only thing that can't be fixed is the left gun, if you all will help me I can get it up and running within 3 hours
*Switch to Hawre pov*
Hawre: I am sending a task force to receive the crew of people on the ship it should take about 4 hours
Jadzia: We need to kill them as soon as possible so they won't be a factor in the plan
Taominyan: I don't mean to be dramatic or anything but having them just makes me very anxious
UlanKidlat: Yes and I don't know if that task force will be enough I think you should send at least one of us to assist them
Hawre: No I need you hear your a part of the plan they are not there some loose threads that need to be handled
Jadzia: Why didn't you shoot them down and completely destroy them when you had the chance
Hawre: I needed permission from each of the countries there from governments to use lethal force
Jadzia: I have a feeling there's a different reason, you have been hiding one of her ex's from us I know that the leader of Punjab correct
Hawre: You have no proof
Jadzia: But I do he's a registered member of her ex's clan and he's never been seen but your very defensive of him and from the few times I have seen him he looked somewhat similar to someone who I had to fight
Hawre: This is going no where I am sending out my forces to capture them
Jadzia: Fine then*During that time Ramona Roxie and Manojmeeta and the others were fixing the ship*
Ramona: It's ready and we discovered these robot forces
Roxie: I see a army ahead
Manojmeeta: Oh no
Ramona: Captain 3R1 Get your forces to follow us out of sight of them
3R1: Yes ma'am
Ramona: Young Neil knives and Lucas and where's Wallace
Wallace: *Wakes up* I was napping
Ramona: I'm not going to ask how but Me Roxie and Manojmeeta are going to turn out selfs in and the robot forces will break us out
*The four hide into the ship and three surrender*
Captain Eylo: *calls Hawre* We got em
Hawre: Ok bring them in
Captain Eylo: Yes sir
Manojmeeta: *puts a disk on Ramona* let's go through with it*
*Captain Eylo takes them in with the robots not to far behind eventually they get there to the room where they are meet by Hawre*
Hawre: Manojmeeta nice to see you friend your oddly quiet probably just shocked well I can remove your involvement in the situation and we can keep on going like nothing happened, and for the rest of you death
Ramona: I know there's a lot of good in you please don't do this
Hawre: You forced my hands into this you have directly or indirectly killed many innocent lives and you are a unaccounted factor in my plans to destroy China
Roxy: So what are you just going to kill me and Ramona
Hawre: That's the plan yes
Captain Eylo: There are a group of 49 robots that just showed up what do we do
*Ramona lunches that the guards killing two of Hawre guards*
Hawre: Captain get out of here and deal with the robots, remaining guards shoot Manojmeeta
*The guards aim to shoot Manojmeeta but as the laser blast were about to hit him Ramona took the shoots*
Hawre: No no no no
*As the shots were fired Ramona laid dying on the ground the truth came out Ramona and Manojmeeta cloaked each other as each other*
Hawre: MANOJMEETA NO! *rushes over to him as he was dying holding him in his arms*
Manojmeeta: H--hey haw
Hawre: No no please I can't loose you
Manojmeeta: N n noo yy-ou will be okk
Ramona: NO
Manojmeeta: I---ts ok Wild Hair everything will be alri
*With that he took his final breath and died*
Hawre: No no no no
*Everyone in the room was stunned not knowing what to do*
Hawre: *crying* No no no no, GO GO GO YOU EVIL THINGS GO
*Ramona and Roxie go take a transport shuttle to their air craft with them Captain 3R1 and 12 bots go with them*
Ramona: We need to get in the air
Wallace: What happened
Ramona: I'll explain later
Wallace: Where's Manojmeeta
Ramona: Gone he's gone
Lucas: Oh
Knifes: Oh no
Young Neil: I don't know what to say
Ramona: Neither do I
Roxy: ...........Me neither
*They all go to the ship and set off back to Hawre*
Captain Eylo: Why did you let them g- *looks at Hawre cradling the corpse of Manojmeeta* Oh no I'm extremely sorry for your loss
Hawre: Set a course for Punjab they need to prepare him for his funeral and after his funeral I will use every assist I have every man at my disposal and even remaining second of my life left to finding them and killing all of them
Captain Eylo: Can you let go that quickly
Hawre: *crying heavily* "What choice have I" Count dooku tales of the Jedi episode 2
Ramona and Roxie
Romancethis is a fanfic in the story Ramona breaks up with Scott pilgrim because she realizes why would she date someone who's she's eventually going to break up with in the story she goes back to the ex who she fucked up the most wanting to make it up wi...