Willow Tree - Negan Smith

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I was just relaxing under the willow tree in Alexandria. I had a notebook in hand and a sharp pencil. As I was sketching out the people working and the scenery  behind them. I saw a man in a leather jacket walking around town.

Negan Smith. Some call him the devil. Some called him a madman, or mostly, a killer. I call him a sociopath. I heared he would laugh and make jokes as he beat your head in with a bat. He was no joke.

He has been taking rations of our food and weapons here at Alexandria and hurts us if we don't. He would always have two man he trusted most beside him at all times. Dwight and Simon. Dwight was a skinny, blonde with a burn mark on the side of his face. Simon on the other hand was quite old but was built. His gray mustache was a bit intimidating.

As I drew Carol and the others picking fruit I hear footsteps beside me. I assume Carl or Rosita, as they would hang with me as I draw. But, it was him.

He grabbed my apple and took a huge bite out of it. I press my lips together as I bite my tongue. As much as I wanted to say something, I knew my actions would have consequences.

"You know, Newton had an apple fall on his head." He proclaims. I laughed as his smirk that he once had disappears.

"No apple actually fell. He just had a thought about how apples always fall straight to the ground. Didn't you learn about that in school?" I ask as I try to cover up my laughter. There was a silent moment. I looked around and everyone was staring, even Rick. He had a face full of panic and fear. Knowing what Negan would do if anyone messes with him.

As my eyes make eye contact with Negan's. He just stares with interest.

"I was a gym teacher so, I didn't learn much of history. You're a smart girl though." He replies as his bat rests on his shoulder. I nod as I put a piece of hair of mine behind my ear. His eyes soon drive towards my notebook. "Nice drawlings there." He says trying to break the silence.

"Thanks?" I say hesitantly. His hand grabs my notebook from my lap and his eyes scan the pages. I went to go grab it but he was too quick for my speed.

"Feisty." He says with a smirk while turning his attention back to the paper. "Impressive. I've seen seniors draw worse then that." He explained after he gave me the book back. "Keep practicing." He says while walking way with my apple.

Did Negan just complement me on my drawling?

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