camp cretacous

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the next morning went pretty smooth. I woke up on time, changed into a cute outfit, consisting of a darkwash denim mini skirt, a juicy couture sweetheart tank top, my glasses, red converse, some leg warmers, and some other red accessories, like star hairclips, lollipop earrings, and a cherry red shoulder purse. I made some coffee before I left, as well as some for dad.

I went to go see my kids, before roxie, a newly employed woman who would be running the camp, picked me up.

"hello, you're y/n wu, correct?"

I stared at her for a few seconds. I knew I was beautiful, but roxie? roxie was a reincarnation of every goddess of beauty that ever existed.

I stuttered, "um..yeah, yeah your um, your roxie right?"

roxie smiled at me, "yes, pleasure to meet you, now we should get going"

I entered the car, some employees helped put my luggage in the backseat, roxie and I thanked them, before we made our way to the docks.


I watched as everyone stood around, I could see a boy in a neon green throwing up on the edge of the platform, ben. I saw sammy as well, and when roxie parked the car, I got out and immediately ran to hug her, laughing. everyone looked at us, confused. I let go and turn back to the neon boy.

I walked over to him, tapped his back and waited for him to turn around. when he did I quickly hugged him, suprising him. "pincus! oh I've missed you so much dear! hows life?" I kissed him on his forehead, kisses and touching have always been a form of affection for me, but saying the l-word was a bit difficult, especially with men. I looked down at him, he was a bit shorter than me, I was just about an inch or two taller.

roxie got out the car, "Ah, so sorry im late! Welcome campers! Im roxie, head counselor of camp cretaceous"

everyone stared at dave, another employee who was in charge of camp cretaceous. I walked back to sammy and the other kids, ben following me.

Dave awkwardly chuckled, "well, its sort of a co-head counselor sort of situation"

Roxie looked at him, "is it?"

Dave cleared his throat, "anyways, some of you won contests to be here, some of you had vip invites, but for the next two weeks, all of you will be getting the 5-star treatment!"

A girl with pink hair pointed her phone towards me, I quickly noticed her jacket, it was one of my first ever designs. I looked at her and winked, she quickly turned the camera to sammy, flustered.

I smiled and quickly turned my attention to roxie as she spoke, "as our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of jurassic world."

everyone spoke out in excitement, expect ben, who sort of just grimaced.

Roxie continued, "as well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course-"

"Dinosaurs!?" The boy next to me exclaimed, he quickly got embarrassed though. I personally thought it was quite adorable.

"yes.. darius! Plenty of dinosaurs! So, ready for an adventure?"

phone girl spoke up, "absolutely! But im gonna need that speech a little shorter, and reallyy try to lean into the majesty of this place."

I stared at her, dumbfounded.

dave completely ignored her and laughed, "okay, we're going now, lets get the seven of you to camp!"

ben timidly raised his hand, "Uh, there are six of us?" oh yeah, kenji's not here.

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