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curtains swayed as the sun entered the room. begrudgingly, I got up, bones cracking as I stretched. I looked at the time, 5:07. mentally cursing at myself I got up, I had overslept a bit. I reached for my glasses from the bedside table, as I sat on the bed, I looked down at my thighs, I cringed at the red lining them.

I had a busy day today, tomorrow I would be attending masrani's newest camp, so I had to tie up loose ends today. I got ready, took a shower, changed into my work clothes, which consisted of a tight black shirt, some low rise cargo jeans, and my name tag/key card. I did my makeup, and went out to the kitchen where dad was waiting.

"hi dad" I said, as I poured some coffee in a cup. "hi honey, are you ready to go?" he asked, as I grabbed a creamer and some sugar. "yeah, where are we going first?" I asked, mixing my coffee and grabbing a breakfast sandwich. "well, first I have to drop you off at the baryonyx's, then barry will pick you up and take you from the raptors. Ill see you again in the afternoon, and dont forget, need to pack for the camp" I groaned, as much as I was looking forward to seeing my best friend and cousin, I did not want to pack.

dad turned to me, "is she ready?" I thought for a moment, "I think, yeah. Ill call her later today"

dad nodded, "alright, make sure she's ready, now lets go, im going to be late"

I nodded as we walked to the car. dad gave directions to the driver, and we were on our way.


reaching the baryoynx paddock, dad hugged me goodbye as I entered. immediatly I was greeted by my kids, chaos, grim, and limbo. I named them after a group of hackers in a show my ex-girlfriend used to love.

I giggled as grim ran up to me, her brothers following soon after.

I fed them their breakfast, which consisted of raw beef and some raw eggs, and started training them.

I held my clicker up high, clicking it once. they all quickly went into formation. grim in the middle, chaos and limbo on both sides of her.

I walked around them, holding up my hand "hold!" I commanded. they all stayed sit, but chaos got impatient, turning his head to me. a quick growl from grim got him staring back to the front.

I walked up to the railings, I was looking down at them, "down!" I called, all three of them got down, like a runner, waiting for me to command them to run. I waited for a few seconds, before calling out, "go!" within a second, all three of them ran, jumping over logs and soon enough, they reached back to their starting point. I called them to hold, before walking down. I stood in front of them all. I turned to chaos and held out a rodent, "gentle" I said, emphesizing it, chaos was the most roughest out of all of them. chaos took it as gently as possible, immediately eating it. I walked to limbo next, I held out the next rodent, "sit" limbo sat down fast, almost falling over. I chuckled at his antics, "gentle" limbo took it gently as well.

I turned to grim. "okay girl, ready?" she nodded her head, "spin, sit, speak" grim spun around, before sitting and letting out a roar. I smiled as I held out the rodent, "gentle" she took it gently, and ate it.


as I exited the paddock, I saw barry waiting for me. I walked up to him and got in the car.

"I saw you out there with them, they're getting better"

I nodded, "so much better then last time"

"when is their next check up? and when are you gonna teach the boys new tricks?" he questioned, I thought for a moment, "in a couple days I think, and soon, I think limbo is ready for spin, but I think chaos needs a little more time, he's the youngest after all, theres not much going on up there" I said, poking my head for the last part.

𝚌𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 | 𝚋𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚞𝚜Where stories live. Discover now