happy birthday eddie!

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we had been walking for about 10 minutes now.

I had somehow made my way to the back of the group, and was walking with ben. it was peaceful, until a twig snapped. ben yelped, as we all flinched and yelped as well.

ben calmed down after a few seconds, "sorry, stepped on a twig"

"c'mon man"

"done gave me a heart attack"

"I should step on you"

"Its okay ben," darius said, attempted to console him, "we're all on edge"

"and lost" yasmina retorted

"yeah, we've been out here for a while, darius you sure that we're going the right way?" sammy questioned

"well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone! it has a compass, gps, and its also a phone!" brooklyn complained

"sammy didn't steal your phone! no one stole your phone! can we please stop talking about the phone?!" yasmina clearly hated the phone, and even I was getting annoyed.

"you guys! can we please yell at each other quieter!" ben asked, shaking and looking around.

suddenly, kenji caught our attention, "my fellow campers, chill! what we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. since i'm obviously leadership material... I'll do this, and my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to darius." kenji said, as he wrapped an arm around darius.

darius looked at him confused, before kenji explained more, "you obviously know what to do, and if anyone gets eaten, I can blame it on you! leadership!"

I glared at kenji, that was really shitty. placing the lives of multiple people on a 12 year old.

"you are not putting the blame on him! he's a child!" I glared at kenji.

"so which way darius?" kenji asked, ignoring me

"please, your just trying to hide the fact that your lost too mr v.i.p!" brooklyn crossed her arms

"nobody knows where we are!" ben added

"I know where we are!" darius excitedly said, as we rushed up to the fence, "we're by the carnotaurus paddock! I knew this look familar!"

kenji looked at me, "am I a great leader or what?"

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "or what"

darius continued, "I remember the fence! the broken, ripped down fence.."

ben gulped, "now we're stuck here with the indominus and toro?"

darius nodded, before turning to him, "wait, how do you know about toro?"

who the hell was toro?

"kenji told us about it the day it happened" yasmina said, I looked at kenji, visibly ticked off. no one ever told me about this.

"me saving you was cool yo..and I was scared of y/n yelling at me" kenji explained, I just sighed, and walked next to ben.

"this enclosure is due north of the main park. so, if we keep going that way, we'll hit the visitors center. We're sure to find dave and roxie, or someone else there in charge." darius said, as he started to walk.

"yep! exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am. follow me!" kenji said and started walking after darius

"I don't think finding an adult is going to help. a terrifying, camouflaged dino trashed our camp, do they even have a plan for that?" ben freaked out, while I tried to calm him.

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