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My best friend rubs my shoulder. I slowly shake my head to get out of my mind.I barely muster the strength just to do that small motion. The beeping of the moniter had managed to put me in a calm place. I find it oddly relaxing.
My friend sits on the hostipal bed next to me and asks, "Can I get you anything?" I know it's not the time, but I quote my favirote song by My chemical romance."If you could get me a drink of water cause my lips are chapped and faded."
My friend, who is also a killjoy, laughs and leaves the room to get me some water. Cancer has been my favorite song ever sense I got diagnosed. I can feel my eyes going heavy.
I'm sure I'm just tired, but I can't help but wonder if I'm taking my last breaths. I could hit the button for help, but I'm ready to end my pain.
I know this may hurt the world, but I close my eyes. I feel my heart beat slow, and my lips go cold. My friend walks into the room, and I can hear her drop my water cup in shock and scream out, "help!someone help!"
You would think my eyes are currently resting on a white light, but they aren't. The light is black. I can hear a familiar sound.
Not the laughter of my passed grandfather or the bark of my dead dog but a single note.Its the sharp but solid G-note.
I walk into the black light as the doctors rush around me. They try their best but it's too late. I've already gone black.
I'm pronounced dead, and my body is left alone with my crying best friend. She's trying to say something, but she can't. She just admits muffled sounds.
After an hour, her eyes go dry, and she wipes away her tears. She tightly grips my cold,pale,dead hand. And she speaks to me in a soft but broken voice. "Killjoys never die"

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