I dont love you

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It's a bit of flirting in this one just to warn 

The walk is long and tedious. I wonder if it's desestaiton is going to be worth it? As much as I know this could end horribly, I keep following blocky,cinder,and weasel.
  I don't have anything better to do, and I'm genuinely intrigued by this mopey emo pack,especially Weasel. He's trailing behind us right now,dragging his feet as we go. I'm not sure how he hasn't accidently tripped or ran into anything yet because his empty eyes haven't once peeled off from the solid ground.
  Blocky leads us happily skipping in front. Cinder struggles to remain a tight grip on energetic blockys pale hands. The silence starts to bother me so much that I begin uncontrollably stcratimg at my scalp.
  Cinder notices and drags blocky so they can stand next to me. "Hey!" Blocky shouts out playfully. "Let go of me, you cheeky little sadist!" Cinder starts to growl but then begins focusing on me.
  I start to assume that Cinder and Blocky must be dating. I got to say two people called Cinder and Blocky in a qeeur relationship makes a lot of sense.
  Blocky and Cinder eventually let go of each other, and Blocky jogs to the back most likely to pester weasel. Cinder slows their pace, and I copy. "Hey, you're probably pretty confused, right?" I can't help but say."No shit, "
  I worry Cinder is going to take it wrong . It's a bit of a hostile phrase, considering we just met, but they only curve their lips into a slight smile.          "I'm not supposed to blow the surprise or boss will get pissed but between me and you I hate suprises". I smile and nod "same,cinder,same". I then notice how relaxed I am, usually I'm more shy.
  I feel like these dead emos won't judge me no matter what, though, for some reason. Mabye, it's because of the kind of music they listen to? MCR fans are usally good people, and if not, I don't think they have the right to identify as a true fan.
   Cinder gives me an odd little wink. "All your dreams are about to come true," and they ask if I'm okay with hugs. I nod, and Cinder wraps their skinny arms around me.
   I expected it to feel like nothing but Cinder is very strong. They shake violently the whole time they hug me and I can tell something bad happened.
   Blocky makes  a long "aw" sound, and hugs weasel tight. Weasel immediately pushes Blocky away and then shakes his head in frustration "s-sorry,". he says, freezing in place.
   Blocky just stands their without a word, her eyes filling with guilt. Weasel pats her back, trying to comfort her, but I can tell he doesn't feel great doing so, and that only makes blocky feel worse.
  Cinder, let's go of me and begin to start walking again. "Blocky bear, come up here," they call as blocky runs up to us. I slow down my pace, tell I'm back with Weasel.
  I can tell Cinder is pissed at weasel for pushing blocky like that, but I don't think it's his fault. "Hey, weasel," I say awkwardly. Weasel finally brings his eyes up from the ground, but he doesn't make contact with my eyes he just stares into the distance.
  "Hey, newkid," weasel says in a broken voice. He looks so triggered, and I just want to hug him, but I know that will only make things worse. I feel completely helpless at this moment.
   I read weasel a little, and I can't be sure, but I think just walking in silence is what he needs right now. I feel bad for assuming as such, but if I ask, the quiet won't mean much.
   After fifteen more minutes of walking, my feet hurt like hell, and I don't even notice what's going on around me as Cinder and Blocky and take a seat on the ground.
  Blocky sits on cinders lap and I'm really not sure how that's possible sense Cinder is skinny as fuck but I don't ask any questions. I shouldn't be mentioning cinders body size anyway.
   That's not okay. I sit across from Cinder and blocky and weasel joins  me but scoots a couple inches back. I begin to regret walking so close to him earlier.
   Clearly he needs his space and I need to be a good person and give it to him. Blocky stares at me eagerly and I give her a confused look back.
  "Look around!" she declares. I do as so and notice something odd. The colors have changed,well they haven't changed but instead simply disappeared. I begin to freak out.
  It seems I have been brought to an even more depressing area than before which I didn't think was possible. I'm about to do something when I notice a few more things.
   There is in fact long luscious grass and a big tree. It truly would be better than the earlier scenery if it wasn't for the boring shades.
   "Why is there no color?" I ask to no one in particular. Blocky simply smiles and weasel just slides farther back tell he's no longer next to me. Cinder points under the tree and suddenly a familiar couple appears.
    One is gray and dusty looking but also looks shiny at the same time while the other is the brightest of whites with big black pupils. I know I've seen this image before but I can't quite remember where it's from.
   Weasel quietly points behind us and I scream in shock. Standing right there is Gerard Arthur Way. I want to go to him but I just freeze.
   I suddenly realize what this scene is,it's the I don't love you music video. I would be freaking the fuck out even more right now but I just gaze in amazement.
  Gerard begins to sing the opening line and I watch the romance of the couple. It's adorable but I can tell it's pained. I've never seen or heard anything so beutifull in my life before.
    I might even say dieing was worth this moment. Gerard finishes the song and slowly walks over to us as the couple kisses. I look at the trios faces. They seem amazed but not shocked. They must of seen this before.
  Weasel is the only one who watched the scene different. It seemed to have a hurt him a bit seeing that music video play out and hearing those words. He wipes away his tears as Gerard arrives right next to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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