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Y/Ns perspective
I open my eyes slowly, expecting to see a familiar marching band.Well, more like I am hoping I suppose.I could've sworn I heard a G-note, but maybe I was just imagining things.
I sigh as I don't see my favorite potentially closeted gay singers but a dusty abandoned field. Not only is their no marching band, but their is absolutely nothing.
Of course, I died crazy. I was always a weird one and struggled with my mental health. I hadn't exactly heard things before. Mabye, it was just a phantom G-note?
Welcome to the Black Parade was my first mcr song, and I have been obsessed with it for five years. It would be my favriote if it wasn't so played and if not for my cancer.
Cancer by mcr was truly the only thing getting me through this hard time. Well, that amazing song and my best friend, of course.
I looked around my new surroundings. It was musty with brown,dry grass. If you can even call it grass anymore. There's dirt everywhere.
I sit down in a patch of dying grass and frown. Is this really the afterlife? I'm not christain,far from it, actually, but I always believed there had to be something out there.
Suddenly, I hear a strange sound. I should be alarmed, but I'm not. At least there is something here. Or someone.
I start to believe the sound is humane. I can hear the shuffling of boots and a slight laugh belonging to someone presumably young.
My eyes start to rest on three blurred figures coming closer from a distance. Im a paranoid person, so I bare my fists, but I stay close. What are they gonna do? Kill me?
I finally start to make out one of the shadows. It appears to be a girl, probably a teenager like me. She has floofy red dyed hair and is wearing a black Three Cheers for sweet revenge shirt.
I smile, a fellow killjoy. Or at least that's what the shirt says. I continue examining the group as they come closer. Their walking right towards me.
Another one of them has a floppy blonde wolf cut,a Peirce the veil shirt, and black skinny jeans with chains that have stars on them. They shout at me in a calm voice. "Heya!" as they contiune scurrying forward.
I wave and rest my eyes on the last person. He has blue hair past his ass and he's wearing a black teared hoodie with fake blood stains,grey cargo pants,and a studded belt.
The group comes forth and sits next to me. I scoot back a little. PTV shirt apogizes. "sorry.Didnt mean to scare you. Boss has us freaks on welcoming duty. "
I force an awkward smile. I was never good at making friends. "You're not freaks.. you would fit right in with my friends back home." Revenge shirt laughs. "Our dead asses would scare the shit out of them."
Hoodie grips revenge shirts arm tightly. "Thanks. We're quite proud of our freakhood, though. Boss makes sure of it." I titled my head a little at the word boss.
I'm not sure why anyone in the afterlife would have a boss. What is this purgtory? I'm about to ask when I think it would be wise to stop referring to the teenagers by their clothes.
I notice them staring at me, waiting for a response. PTV looks away and pushes their hair out of their face, and looks away.
I speak as my hands shake a little. "My name is Y/N.Im a fellow freak. What are your names?". PTV looks back at me and is the first to answer. "It makes sense. Most freaks show up here. I'm Cinder,mcr fan sense birth,my cause of death is murder."
"Hi cinder.Where exactly is here?" I say. I thought it was the afterlife, a bit but that theory can't stand if everyone is a freak.
Cinder tries to respond but mcr shirt cuts in "Sense when is cause of death part of greeting?oh well you morbid emo fuck."they pause to tickle cinders cheek. "you'll find out where we are soon enough. My names blocky,mcr fan for two years only sadly,I died due to wolves."
I arch a eyebrow "wolves?" Blocky surprises me by letting loose a laugh. "Yeah they were pretty god danm cute. My clumsy ass fell in their enclosure at the zoo. Besides the tearing apart seeing a bunch of floofy faces was a pretty nice way to pass"
I'm about to respond,getting sucked in the flow of conversation when hoodie speaks. He seems like the kind of guy who takes no shit. "My name is Weasel but you can call me asshole. Most pepole do. Mcr fan for 12 years. Cause of death unknown"
I start to get utterly confused. Why do they keep mentioning mcr? Is it just that important to them? I mean I get it but it's still a little weird.
"Hi weasel" I say slightly scared of him. Weasel stays quite and blocky speaks instead. She seems the most freindly of the group. "Do you have any questions, newbie?"
I shake my head, and Blocky reaches out her hand, and the trio leads me to God only knows where.

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