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Aarohi's POV

The sound of the clock ticking and my eyes jumping from the person working on the laptop to the clock on the wall... As I anxiously tap my foot, my fingers drum on the table in a rhythm of anticipation. At some point, Karan leaves as his assistant calls him.

As the clock inches closer to noon, the minutes tick by, hope slowly begins to fade, the anxiety reaching a new height, and the weight of disappointment settling in the chest. I pick up my phone to call the printing company. I hear a voice say, "IT'S DECODED. "I quickly rush to the laptop. Holding my breath, my stomach twisting in knots, and waiting in anticipation, I open the file and check if everything is restored, and I also check the other files.

A wave of relief washes over my face, breaking into a wide smile as I realize that the virus and the hacked files have been decoded. I turn towards Karan's friend, extending my hand for a handshake. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You literally saved me today ". He extends his hand. "No problem. I'm happy that I could be of help to Karan's friend." I thank him one more time and escort him to the lift as he leaves.

As I couldn't contain my excitement, I went to the Editing department to find Karan and tell him the good news. As I enter the department, everyone had a surprised look, turning their heads twice just to make sure it was me. I sighed internally as I could understand why they were so surprised, as I don't usually go to any department. I knock on Karan's cabin but don't get any response. I slightly push the door open and peek in to see if he is there.

Disappointment sweeps across my face as I see the cabin empty, Dejected, I go back into my cabin. I confirmed that the file was decoded and virus-free multiple times before forwarding it to Avika and the senior designer. I confirm it once again and call the director of the printing company to inform him about the file, and that I sent the final book draft file via my personal mail. In the meantime, Avika also brought me a copy of my presentation from the HR team.

At 2:00 pm, all the directors gather for the PPT presentation, along with people in higher positions. The selection process is done by voting among all the people present, and whoever gets the most votes will be chosen. If there is a clash in the votes, then a deciding factor will be decided by higher-ups.

One by one, all the directors present their PPT. As the matter in the PPT is the same for everyone, the evaluation is done based on the presentation skills and how visually appealing and informative the PPT looks. After the presentation, the people present are given 2 minutes to choose who they would like to represent the company at the annual conference.

I tap my foot impatiently, anxiously waiting for the results. After what feels like an eternity, the HR leader comes to announce the results. "There is a tie between Ms. Aarohi Roy and Mr. Karan Mehta. I request everyone to cast their votes for the finalist." The waiting game starts again for another 15 minutes.

When the HR team leader comes back, I lean a little forward in anticipation, holding my breath. "We have another tie, how shall we proceed?" the team leader asks. Soon, the room is filled with whispers. I just sit and wait for the verdict. From the corner of my eye, I see Karan going outside and, after a few minutes, coming inside along with the HR team.

A moment later, "We have a winner, everyone, it is decided that Ms. Aarohi Roy will be presenting at the annual conference" the HR announces, and the room rings with the clapping sound, some excited and some sarcastic. I feel elated and feel like my heart could jump out any moment , that excitement of your hard work finally paying off. I celebrate inside while a huge smile appears on my face. I thank everyone for patiently waiting before the meeting ends.

I go to collect all my things, ready to leave, when I also see Karan walking towards the door. I try to follow Karan but I'm stopped by people coming up to me and congratulating me. I thank everyone with a polite smile. I excuse myself after a few interactions and quicken my steps to catch up to Karan. I reach the entrance of the department, where I find Karan talking to the HR team leader.

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