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(the uncertainty of life)

7 stitches.

If Namjoon almost ran away from the hospital; it's an understatement. Namjoon sat nervously on the hospital bed, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he waited for the doctor to come in. His heart was racing as he remembered the sharp pain that had shot through his forehead earlier and how lots of blood gushed from it. He had immediately known that the cut was deep and would require stitches, but the thought of needles made him feel sick to his stomach.

He begs Yoongi not to let the doctor stitch his wound. Yoongi, his best friend, sat beside him, trying to offer words of encouragement. "It's going to be okay, Namjoon. The doctor will take care of you and before you know it, you'll be all patched up."

Namjoon whimpered and could feel the panic rising within him. The memories of a traumatic experience from his childhood came flooding back. As the doctor entered the room with a friendly smile, Namjoon felt his chest tighten with fear. He begged Yoongi in a whisper, "Please, don't let them stitch me up. I can't handle it, hyung."

Yoongi furrowed his brows in concern but nodded understandingly. He knew how deep Namjoon's fear ran. He turned to the doctor and explained the situation, asking if there was any other way to treat the wound without using needles.

The doctor, a kind-hearted man with a gentle demeanor, listened attentively as Yoongi relayed Namjoon's fears. He reassured Namjoon that he would do his best to make the process as painless as possible.

Namjoon shook his head. He then begged Seokjin using his power to do the same. Seokjin rolled his eyes at the childish attitude. "You're being ridiculous, Namjoon. Just let the doctor do his job." He said harshly but later regretted it when Namjoon cried in fear. He closed his eyes for seconds before sending a silent plea to the doctor to find an alternative solution.

The doctor, sensing the tension in the room, nodded in understanding. He reached for a small skin patch and placed it gently on the side of Namjoon's eyes, numbing the area. "This should help alleviate the pain, Namjoon. You won't feel a thing."

Namjoon squeezed shut his eyes when he saw the needle and his whole body was shaking. "Hyung...." he whimpered, eyes trembling as he stared at Yoongi; begging for help.

Yoongi took a step beside him and let Namjoon hold his hand tightly. "It's okay, Joon..." he tried to coax the younger. Namjoon holds onto Yoongi's arm with both of his hands as if his life depended on Yoongi, hiding his face a bit when the doctor does his job diligently.

Seokjin squinted at the intimacy as the closeness was far from his liking. He huffed in irritation at the intimacy but decided not to interfere realizing that Namjoon looked so scared at that moment and Seokjin didn't want to stress the said male further. He will deal with it later. He makes a mental note to himself.

It took only a few minutes, but it felt like forever for Namjoon. Yoongi continuously rubbed his back and the encouraging words managed to calm him down a bit. He still could feel the prick on his skin linger even after the doctor had finished the job.

Yoongi patted his shoulder, a proud smile on his face. "You're doing good, Namjoonie...." Yoongi ignored the sound Seokjin made at his words because Namjoon was his priority right now.

"It's important to keep sutures clean and dry, especially for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, you can wet the sutured area gently and quickly. Carefully pat the stitches dry immediately. It's recommended to leave them dressed for two to three days," said the doctor.

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