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𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒚...

Namjoon groaned when his body tensed at the awkward position on whatsoever thing he was sleeping. He cursed at his stubbornness and cheapskate in buying the new mattress after moving into the new apartment with Yoongi. He should reconsider buying one when he got his payment from the book sales. Hopefully, it will enough for him to cover his other monthly expenses.

He tried to turn to the other side but let out a small yelped when he fell onto the carpeted floor with a thud.

"Ouch!" He grimaced but sighing in relief that he barely knocked his head on the coffee table. He brushed his sleepy eyes before he examined the large room. His heart skipped a bit realizing that he's not in his small, cramped room.

Namjoon immediately shot up from the floor, panicking at the thought that he has been kidnapped before the truth dawn upon him when he stares at the bed full of rose petals. Namjoon grunted in annoyance, rubbing his face harshly in shame at his stupidity.

"I thought it's a dream..." he mumbled. He slumped onto the couch defeatedly, debating over his foolishness and his reality check.

Namjoon sighed for the umpteenth time as he looks around. He noticed that Seokjin wasn't there. He might wake up early and left the house. Namjoon gasped in horror realizing that Seokjin had seen him sleeping on the couch and his hideous sleeping face.

Namjoon whined and rubbed his face harshly until it turns to red. Pouting his lips in agony for letting his guard down easily.

"Oh, you're up already. It seems you really feel comfortable sleeping there all night..."

Namjoon's body stiffens at the voice and when he saw Seokjin's handsome face at the door - his heart instantly missed a beat. Namjoon gulped nervously and hastily brushed his messy hair to look more decent in front of the elder male.

Seokjin smirked at the action and slowly strolling towards the younger on the couch. Namjoon cowered, attempting to make himself smaller than it's appeared, hiding his tall features and long limbs. Seokjin was amused to see the timidness.

"Get ready in fifteen minutes. I'll wait downstairs..." said Seokjin, more likely a command.

Namjoon fretted and raised his head to meet with Seokjin's serious face. "Where are we going?" he implored.

Seokjin snorted. "You'll know..."


"Fifteen minutes, Kim Namjoon!" emphasized Seokjin as he didn't have the time to argue with the younger.

Namjoon flinched. "I - I have nothing to wear and - and ..."

Seokjin rolled his eyes. He then stepped to his closet and pulled out a few clothes before he tossed them to Namjoon's lap. "Wear this and please be hurry!"

Namjoon's lips parted in confusion. He looks at the pair of the green cashmere sweater and the long black pants hesitantly. He skimmed at the soft material and immediately can tell it's surely expensive. He made an effort to steal a glance at the small piece label on the collar and gasped softly when he saw the Paul Smith's tag.

Namjoon was about to comment about the sweater but surprised to see that Seokjin has already left the room. Namjoon huffed in desperation, squeezing shut his eyes, and takes a long deep breath. He gets up from the couch and strides to the bathroom with heavy steps. He had the gut feeling that today is going to be another long day and torturous for him.

When he went downstairs five minutes earlier than the time allotted, he's been greeted by Mr. Lee at the end of the stairs. Namjoon was apprehensive at the smiley face but bowed at the old man politely.

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