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𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚

Namjoon sits in the same room before he walked on the aisle two hours ago. He played with the golden ring on his finger, staring at nothing as his mind wandering in haywire thinking about his new life as a married man. It doesn’t feel real but at the same time it’s suffocating. The grip of the ring on his finger is heightening each time he touches it.

Every guest had left the venue, leaving the family members to deal with their family matters. Of course, a few of them were smooshing among themselves about the unexpected change of bride – or groom. The pitter-patter can be heard in the hall as they walked away, don’t even care if the newly wedded couple will hear them. Maybe they intended for them to hear it.

Who knows?

“The reporter’s still here, waiting for you and Namjoon-hyung…”

Namjoon lifts his head to see the owner of the deep and raspy voice.

Kim Taehyung.

He’s Seokjin’s little brother. Namjoon met him for the first time at the altar. He stands on the side as Seokjin’s best man, wearing a nice black and white tux, accentuating his handsome face and nice figure perfectly.

Namjoon won’t deny that the young man is really good-looking. Well, Seokjin and Taehyung shared the same gene so there's nothing weird if both siblings were born with such glorious physiognomy.

This is the first time he had heard the young male speaks. His voice is so deep and dangerously low. Still, Namjoon knows nothing about the man except for his name.

“They want an exclusive interview about the wedding…” told Taehyung again. He expressed in distress while he stares at his brother. “I don’t think they will leave anytime soon...” he continued warily.

Seokjin then groaned in frustration, looking at his brother with exasperation. “It’s been two hours, Tae!” he retorts as he runs his long fingers to his hair, messing with it a bit. But he cares less about his appearance right now.

Taehyung sighed. “You do know how persistent these reporters are. They are going to wait as long as they can. Your wedding had caused chaos and now they wanted to get an exclusive statement from you...”

Seokjin chided in irritation. “They won’t get anything from me, Tae. Asked Sejin to handle the reporter. I want the matter to be taken care of within fifteen minutes. I’m not going to sit here for the whole day!” he said with a gruff voice, obviously still furious about what had happened. He didn’t have the time to deal with the reporters after what he had gone through today.

I had enough with all the bullshit!

“I had messaged Sejin-hyung. He will meet with the hotel manager and try to arrange to clear the way for us,” states Taehyung.

Seokjin chided. “Stupid reporters! Can't they just respect my privacy? No one even came after me when we’re struggling to build our company or when we lose millions in a project. And now they're trying to stick their nose on my private life? Bullshit!”

Namjoon flinched at the outburst, sneaking a glance at Seokjin and Taehyung from the corner of his eyes. He can see the tight face of the two and Namjoon couldn’t help from feeling guilty on behalf of his sister.

Hyuna had done a grave mistake and he didn’t know whether he is able to redeem it for her. Namjoon wasn’t sure if the marriage is going to work. Namjoon is still afraid of thinking about the future. His future with Seokjin.

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