𝟯 | 𝗠𝗥. 𝗞𝗜𝗠?

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Nervousness had taken a toll against him. Can't blame him though. This is the first time he ever holds a 'Meet Up with Author' at the bookstore café. Of course, this is all Yoongi's idea. He wants Namjoon to get closer to his readers, who had bought his first published book 'Reflection'. That's why Yoongi had advised him to do the author's reading event.

Despite the edginess that been inundating his entire body, Namjoon found out the bookstore interior designer is really captivating. It was a modern interior with a built-in café at the front corner so the customers will have leisure time while having their favorite drink and snack. It was a good idea and very refreshing. The whole bookstore was beautiful and vibrant.

Namjoon just watched how the bookstore's staff working themselves to set up the place for him to do the reading event. Namjoon feels anxious and shy to do so but Yoongi was very persistent in doing such activity. Being the publisher of his book, Namjoon couldn't say no and took it as a clear instruction by Yoongi that he needs to adhere to.

"Mr. Kim?"

Namjoon trance was interrupted at the motherly voice and when he hoisted his head, he immediately smiles when he met with Mrs. Lee's beautiful smiling face. She's the owner of the bookstore.

"It will take some time to arrange the desk and the event will start in the next half an hour. So, you can look around the store in the meantime. We will serve you the chai latte later...Sorry for the inconvenience..." she speaks tenderly.

"Ah, it's okay Mrs. Lee. Actually, I'm the one that came so early and had caused trouble for you. Sorry..." said Namjoon as he quickly bows at the bookstore owner apologetically.

Mrs. Lee was taken aback a little at Namjoon's action but feels content to heart that the young author is really polite and has a good manner. A quality that almost rarely exists among the authors she ever meets – either famous or not.

Mrs. Lee dismissed herself when Namjoon said that he wants to have a look around the store. He was enthralled with the interior and he feels a sort of peace by looking at it. The paint, the shelves, the books, the tables and the smell of coffee – everything is placid and tranquil. Namjoon had fondly like this place and makes a mental note to himself that he will come again here.

To enjoy the coffee while reading my favorite book!

Namjoon stands in front of the large and tall shelves, fascinated at all the book's collection. His slender finger trying to pick one, slowly moves on each book, reading the title before his eyes make a stop at one particular book.

Namjoon was about to get the book before another large hand had beat over him. Namjoon quickly turns his head in frustration and he actually let out a small gasp when he saw the said person.

He was tall even though not as tall as him. He had a broad shoulder and wearing the black suit that accentuates his body to the epitome of perfection. The plump pink lips look so intimidating and his dark brown hair that neatly combs to back, exposing his forehead. Namjoon's heart is pounding at the sight.

Isn't that the most beautiful forehead he ever sees in his life? Ridiculous, right?

"Ex – excuse me..." Namjoon almost wants to facepalm himself for stuttering in front of the incredulous handsome man.

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