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(𝟑 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈)

What is mine?


What is yours?

What is mine.

Basically, he has nothing to call as his own. He can’t have anything without being taken away. He couldn’t grasp on a thing without being snatched away from his grip. There’s really nothing to call as his. And he was being used to such occurrences.

To say that he is not loved is an understatement. Which means, he just not the favorite. Everything looks so perfect from the outside but no one knows how much he was broken. How? Because he never shows one.

What is justice? What is fair treatment? He didn’t know. Because he never gets one. He always becomes the second choice. He only gets to choose what is been leftover. He can only have it if she hates it.

She will get whatever she wants. No one can ever dissuade her from doing so. To say that she had been spoiled too much – not an understatement. Because she was. She has everything she wants without fail.

She sounded like a brat. Which is true. Why? Because if she didn’t get what she wants for, she will make the matter worst. A tantrum, rebellious act or even threatened to harm herself. And her parents will eventually grant everything. It’s so easy for her. But become so hard for him.

He. Kim Namjoon.

She. Kim Hyuna.

They were siblings – with different personalities. Despite being the youngest in the family, Namjoon was never be treated as one. His parent's compassion and loves are for his older sister only. They'd given so much to her until there's nothing left for him.

Weird right? How could a parent be so unfair towards their own child?

Maybe because Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim have been longing for a child for quite a long. They were married for five years when she finally got pregnant with his sister. They had tried everything to have a baby at their early stage of marriage but failed.

His mother had been pressured by her in-laws for failure to conceive. It is said that her mother in law was very skeptical that Mrs. Kim is infertile. That is why when Mrs. Kim gets pregnant, she really treasured Hyuna. She got all the love from her parents as well as the grandparent – because she is the first daughter in the family.

Namjoon was never giving any fuss when his mother favors Hyuna. He knew the history of the family and he was fine with it. At least, his father giving him a little more love than the mother. He just happy with that. At least someone loves him.

So when Hyuna gets all the best things – toys, clothes, accessories; Namjoon can never feel jealous.

Why should he?

They can’t even share any of it since they were from different genders.

He can't play with Barbie doll right?

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